In this fascinating video about the progression of information technology, we find the research of Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod and Jeff Bronman remixed with some upbeat music -- all of which makes you go hmmmm. Top 10 in-demands job of 2010 did not exist in 2004. In the US alone, 1 out of 8 couples married last year met online. Bermuda is the #1 ranked country in Broadband Internet pentration; US is ranked 19th and Japan is 22nd. Today we Google 31 billion times every month; in 2006, that was 2.7 billion for the whole year. First commercial text message was sent in December of 1992; today, the number of text message sent and received everyday exceeds the total population of the planet. Did you know?


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  • Michael Larsen

    Congrats! The video was eye-opening. Everyone should see it. If it's possible, I'd like to have the text of it, which is different from the September version of it in Word. Many thanks!

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  • Explore the wiki of this video, that was originally created for educators and is now a general resource.

  • Watch another video on Paying Attention, that is aimed at supporting the art of teaching through technology.

  • Have a conversation with a friend about the current technological trends.

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