"Everybody can be great because everybody can serve... You only need a heart full of grace." On 4 February 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. preached "The Drum Major Instinct" (adapted from the 1952 homily of the same name by well-known, liberal, white Methodist preacher J. Wallace Hamilton) from the pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. This short video excerpts the portion of the speech where King urges his congregation to greatness through service and love.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Lorryn Swope Sheetz

    After listening to this I was really inspired to learn more about Martin Luther King and all that he did. This speech was really beautiful and I really enjoyed listening to it and I will definitely be listening more to his speeches because they are beautiful and I think that you can really learn things from him and you can really understand what it was like being a black man and he was so intelligent and I think you can really learn something from him.

  • francis

    i thinks i undersand my life

  • Kath

    I am really inspired of Martin Luther King Jr. And I have learned something about him... Please kindly send this video to me email please cause I need it for my class thanks alot.

  • heide

    I am inspired to see through media that there are thousands of people across this great planet who are speaking the same language and leading a movement of action towards peace rather than non-movement as peace. The absence of illness does not mean that you are healthy ...We have choices. As quoted before “we are either in the Arena or we are a spectator

  • chz

    I was inspired to listen to the entire speech instead of being satisfied with the snippet the video soundbite provided. "What is the Drum Major Instinct?" http://www.karmatube.org/videos.php?id=2959

  • Mary Tedrow

    Actual realistic help to move towards nonviolence

  • brendan omalley

    hi i'm Brendan if your in my class i hope you see this

  • Mikylla

    wow, yeah this video is so great, this is so inspiring. Can you please send this video to my email please? I just really really need this thank you :)

  • Irene Landicho

    I learned a lot with this video... Can you share this video to my email, it is needed by my Grade 9 son, as their preparation with the assignment

  • Anacil Badong

    Can you please send this video to my email?

  • Anacil Badong

    Can you please this video to my email? I really need this...

  • Joel Maraon

    The definition of greatness is very simple. Please send it to my email. I need it for my class.

  • Maryluz C. Ayta

    I am definitely inspired by King Martin Luther King Jr's words and definitions of greatness. I realized that I can also be a great person even if I am not rich or prominent. As long as, I am willing and able to serve with all my heart and soul, then I can already be great.

  • Gracel Ann S . Eyam

    I badly need this in my class for my discussion next week.

  • jeh-ann

    please kindly send it to my email, i need this in my class.thank you

  • Feliza

    Please send to my email..I need in my class..ty

  • Jinky

    how to downlpad this video please? i need this in my class...



  • Fatty

    How to download this please

  • benard

    every is great

  • Jm

    This video can be found in youtube... Here's the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X9zyUSCjchI

  • julie ann mendoza

    who is thw speaker

  • fuentes.mark angelo l

    wow i anspire that becouse how to be greatnessservant

  • Gardner

    The beauty of its truth in today's material world where people are judged mostly by their wealth and accomplishments.

  • N. Campbell

    Everything, the speech embodied the true American Spirit! As a registered nurse and a community servant, I am further inspired to continue the path of greatness.

  • Mia

    Let us make America great again!!!!

  • I'm Joshua student of MA'AM Netura


  • Queen

    I can't open the video. Pls help me to view that one.

  • Jelay

    How to download this video?

  • Pogi ku romar

    How can i download it?? I need it right now..

  • Rinrin

    You don't need popularity, intelligence, rank, and what so ever to become great. You only need wisdom, humility, and a good and grace full heart to be a great person. Be a great person in your simple way. Be a good servant in your community and to God.

  • Hazel

    if you're truly great you contented to te things what you'll have

  • leigh roven

    everybody can be great

  • Tommy

    Humanity often think that money, fame and Education is what makes a person great. But Dr. King was saying anyone one who is willing to sacrifice their time, energy and possibly their lives to help humanity is great. Greatest isn't idealism it is actions of service to the potential greatness of others.

  • Gowtham

    Definition to be Human. Short and Impactful

  • Jeffrey Farrar Dean

    What would He say about Donald

  • July An Chaguna

    How to download this video pls

  • Brent

    How to download the video?

  • janet

    how can I download this video?

  • yogi

    can you send me a link to download this please. i'd like to use it in a workshop i'm doing on sunday.

  • assej

    i can`t watch the video :( help me pls.

  • jesselyn


  • dixie laugo

    that the degree doesnt matter if you want to serve

  • brix

    i appreciate about greatness according to martin luther

  • Daphne

    I appreciate him and I agree about his idea because ordinary person can be great.

  • Allyssa

    Uhhh. I cant watch the video this is pur homework , help me guyz please.😭😭😭

  • lilah

    I'm agree about his idea of being great because you don't need to be a genius for having it,, Even an ordinary person can be great...

  • sarah

    Be great should serve ..

  • ShairaFaith

    huhu.. i cant watch the video.. *cant be played with ur current setup* this is our assign. how can i watch this...??

  • Deepak

    Thank you . So True . Serving others is one one of the fundamental duty for our existence on this planet .

  • ms. vera

    I am inspired to service mother nature and save her and us from disaster. I will not pollute the water, my streets, my home, my schools, my churches, or any of my environments.

  • vera johnson

    Yes! The greatest of all created us to service. Service one another and this beautiful plant called earth. So let's start servicing, before it's too Late!

  • Vinanti Sarkar

    The voice of the late Martin Luther King Jr ... strong powerful and unique in serving the people ...

  • jade

    thanks this is good for my essay about this quote

  • ana

    love this shit

  • Brian

    Thanks Guys! Yup...all of us can serve...a smile to someone is serving...We never know the powerful ripple effects through time....Love and respect...we pray that world awakens to the heart beating within. It's always been there, we just need to listen...peace on Earth...

  • E. Love

    My Job at BGCC sent it to our website for all to read and remember: It's about Serving-a Wonderful Reminder about what BGCC is about-Love it and my Job assignment-it's who we are...

  • dehron tiolo

    its great ... because everybody can great

  • nhema mantolino budas

    :)this video incouraged me to become a GREAT STUDENT... #CHANGE_MAKER

  • faidza ubpon mansang

    now i realized that i could be a GREAT too. #inspired

  • nhema mantolino budas

    it so inspiring to every people subscribed this video...

  • Sylvia

    This great man walked his talk. What a stunning example for each one of us, and what a simple and attainable message for success in life!

  • crystyn jhoi

    wow..our teacher just told us this link and i'm impressed ,because it can awaken our mind that everybody can be great..there's no need to have a degree in college and become famous just to be great..the important i you have the heart full grace soul..

  • Vienn Bravo

    The thoughts of Martin Luther King, Jr. about being greatness. I realized that I can be great even though I'm just a simple person regardless of my flaws and imperfections. That to be great, all that we need is the heart full of grace, soul generated by love. And serving is what being great really tells about. A servant is a great person!

  • Duane Joseph R. Banate

    What inspired you about this video? Ans.I inspire this video because martin luther king jr. Serve greatness in people but at young age he died at age of 34 but i'll do my best to recall his greatness and i'll serve greatness like him to others so i can be great too...

  • marcy mangkit

    i now realize that i too can be of great... by serving other people even in a very simple way...

  • gayatri naraine

    the concept of greatness is put in such a simple way. Human beings are born to serve.

  • marc danniel bernardo pastrana

    What inspired you about this video? I inspire the speech of martin luthher king,because everyone of us will be a great,everyone can serve.....because we have a full grace

  • mariecris

    i inspire the speech of martin luther king

  • chezka abellera

    That all of us can be great...even if we don't have lots of money ....we can be wonderful

  • Aubrey Guerrero

    It inspired me a lot ,thanks to M L K Jr. It made me realize that I,myself can be great .

  • Veronica

    True.To become great is by serving other.Jesus Christ is the perfect example

  • dominic albisa rosaceña

    .Be a good SERVANT in order to succeed as one strives solution to their problems.Be responsible,well-discipline,and good example one and in that simple way you will become great.

  • Marimar Sorongon

    What an inspiration you are Sir Martin. I contemplated your words and i realized that To me, greatness can be achieved if you work for something that is important to your life and to others. Once your goal in life is attained be it so simply done and it finally happened to wherever you go, you will feel good and fulfilled. The feeling of being great should be in HUMILITY, not in ARROGANCE.

  • Gyle Romarate

    I admire his courage,his bravery.MLK is a great person and I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!

  • Rowell Ulang

    I'm inspired that you don't to be a philosopher to be great.You just only need to be a good and better SERVANT.Just like in our time,Filipino youtn need render more useful and worthy things than being an addict one.Be a good SERVANT in order to succeed as one strives solution to their problems.Be responsible,well-discipline,and good example one and in that simple way you will become great.

  • Park Dong Siun

    It's appropriate for our generation. It would surely hit young individuals like me. NiCe!!!

  • lea

    Its a nice message.

  • Karl Leslie Leti

    To become great... The only thing you must do is to serve.

  • Mycah Pauleen Quilang

    Wow, I had just realized it, my definition of greatness had been wrong, and that greatness doesn't need popularity or receiving a noble prize award, it just needs the heart to serve, powerful message, really wonderful:)


    HUH! amazing to the max....SERVANT(to serve) just have a heart FULL OF GRACE! I WAS TOUCHED!

  • charles

    how to download this video? thank you. i need it.

  • karen

    It is very nice

  • karen

    who is the speaker?

  • ReinalynMendoza_11

    ..I have realized there's room for me to be GREAT, what I need to do is to think positive of myself and cultivate the spirit of being GREAT... ...I inspired this video because i know that anyone of us is a great and all of us can deserve of what we have...

  • keyen14(forever)

    nice, its so very beautiful:)

  • Mary

    Powerful message, said simply.

  • Yahya choi

    I wish I could see him live

  • Riley

    What portion of the speech (time points) was this taken from?

  • Hugh Janus

    it was very amazing-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • reet

    yes truly we all are great no doubt about it only we must reveal ourselfs and serve unconditionally

  • Winna calaor

    i inspired this video because i know that anyone of us is a great and all of us can deserve of what we have....

  • sophia primacio

    Everyone can be great by just being there to serve others by heart.

  • raffy cambaya

    there are many thing to be done but only HEART can be a way to serve right

  • merie fer medequillo

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mary ann

    an inspiring,,, if we will be great,, we will be united!!!!!

  • chekaina glory juarez

    Ya ! rYt .. it is an inSpirrationaL message

  • Mae

    what a inspiring speech! i love it!

  • dave maches

    your fucking right mate and thats what i like

  • jaireh nick

    very inspiring..........greatness is to help other people in the world.............

  • Page 1

  •  Read the full text of "The Drum Major Instinct" sermon.
  •  Learn more about Nobel Peace Laureate and nonviolent civil rights activist, Martin Luther King, Jr.
  •  Consider this quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. and see how you might apply it in your life: "At the center of nonviolence stands the principle of love."

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