Seva Cafe in Ahmedabad, India is redefining the idea of a fine dining experience. Operated on the principle of a "gift economy," this restaurant serves food at no charge. Diners enjoy meals that have been paid for by those who came before them. And what patrons contribute is a matter entirely up to them. "You pay from your heart," explains one of the many volunteers who cook, clean and serve at the restaurant. "The idea is to promote the idea of giving."


 Your Name: Email:
  • Susan

    Karma Kitchen, in the USA, multiple locations, is the same service/seva model of paying forward, from your heart. Beautiful....Love All, Serve All...

  • 2R

    Amazing.. SEVA cafe USA...We Need these everywhere.. So Blessed to have wonderful people,commited to serve,a better way.. Love it !!

  • suman

    Amazing, excellent thought, this can happen only in my Bharat…..

  • Ram Sundher

    “With a genuine keenness or readiness to serve others, one can attain happiness in any group or community, and the very eagerness to serve others will endow you with the power and skill necessary for the required service.Nowadays, we tend to regard it as derogatory to serve, but there is great worth in service.”

  • Amit

    If you ever find yourself on Ahmedabad (near CG Road across from Municipal Market in Shoppers Plaza (IV) on the 4th floor) do visit and enjoy an incredible dinner dining experience. Even more, if you have the time or inclination, see if you can serve a little - perhaps wash some dishes or help serve fellow guests. I love this place and the consistent contributors that make this place so inspiring!!!

  • Arlan Berglas

    The Pass It Forward Movement was so impressed with this story we have highlighted it on our website for your review

  • Arlan Berglas

    The Pass It Forward Movement was so impressed with this story we have highlighted it on our website for your

  • Jagdish P Dave

    While watching this inspiring video I felt as if I was at Seva Cafe. I felt the joy of sharing and serving and being connected. Thanks for your selfless service. The video took me to Ahmedabad, India some 64 years ago, a young man reading a poem by Carl Sandburg at the Family of Man expo: There is one Man in the world and the Man's name is All Man; There is one Woman in the world and the Woman's name is All Woman; And there is one Child in the world and the Child's name is All Child.

  • cidanandas

    The world needs more of such projects:money is not the goal! Just look at this model veg village in Congo:cooperative work is solving food crisis there:

  • murali

    Awesome idea.. sharing a meal is the grt deed and global oneness is a great concept.. all the best yaar... if i come to ahmedabad anytime, ill visit this place for sure... and do my part of seva... Long Live Unity..

  • Neha

    Original yet ancient..wonderful. Amazing job (Y)!! maybe we'll visit you someday sooon

  • sanchita

    a beautiful thot..serving ppl not based on thr religion or skin colour or gender or caste but serving to fill hunger..

  • Taira

    I am delighted. Thank you for inspiring my ministry.

  • P.T.Varghese

    great and Phenomenal

  • Frederick

    What a wonderful, refreshing idea. May it be a catalyst for many others...

  • Red

    food for love - love for food -- foood for loove, looove for fooood,---- foooood for loooove, loooooove for fooooooood, the whole world are taste the food of love, and all, are vibrating the love for the world...

  • Eze Favour

    The Video is quit interesting, really I enjoyed. I urge you to keep it up, it has always be my dream to become an atteress,maybe, in next fews from now, I will become one of you. Finally, i pray that God should endowed you with more wisdom and cause you to be more creative so as to impact more the life of many. best regards. Favour

  • Gale

    So inspiring! Every community deserves to have something like this!

  • Aurelia

    Universal Goodness! A dream come true. Thank You Seva Cafe.

  • shahbano

    In todays world it is amasing,keep it up,

  • Amba

    What a lovely video! It shows the heart of Seva Cafe with great warmth and clarity.

  • Tomme

    One world. One family. One purpose. Thanks for furthering the dream.

  • Prajit S Nair

    Love, sharing, service... a unique blend which can be only seen at Seva Cafe...

  • Mary Stanczyk

    So Wonderful.

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