Ricochet was a puppy prodigy. From the moment she was born, she was training to become a service dog for a person with a disability. As she grew, it was clear her talents were undeniable; but her free, youthful spirit could not be contained - Ricochet would give in to her instincts to run playfully and chase birds and small animals. A definite no-no for a service dog. Rather than push harder to make Ricochet something she was not or give up on her entirely, her trainer had the heart and vision to see that Ricochet's special talents and energy could be used to help in other ways. Turns out Ricochet's unique gift is surfing! Watch the story of how Ricochet became a SURFice dog helping charitable foundations and people with disabilities. Paw-abunga!


 Your Name: Email:
  • carol hawk Carol Hawk

    Riochet's commitment and joy

  • David

    The simplicity of it all.

  • Sheryl

    What inspired me about this video is that this dog was given the freedom to develop her special talents and excel rather than be rejected because she didn't fit someone's preconceived notion of behavior expected of a service dog.

  • Judy Mackenzie

    I never cease to be amazed at the creativity of people to find amazing ways to serve those in need. We are so lucky to share the planet with animals.

  • Carolyn

    Ricochet's trainer is to be applauded for responding to his intuition in recognizing the puppy's unique talent and flowing with it - an inspiring lesson for us parents whose children march to a different drummer! Carolyn

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Here's to all of us finding our gifts which may not be what we thought they were. <3 Thank you to Richochet's trainer for finding her gifts that were unexpected!!!! <3 May we all be given the chance to find our gifts.

  • Barbara

    There are so many really good people and really wonderful animal companions. Had her trainer not shown patience and acceptance, Ricochet might never have been discovered, and what a loos for the world that would have been.

  • Linda

    Absolutely everything inspired me about Ricochet - still sniffling. I am terribly, terribly proud of you darling puppy - you are an inspiration to humans so you are definitely a SERVICE dog - probably the best one in the world !!

  • Sammy G

    Three cheers to the trainer who made Ricochet a superstar doing what is thought as impossible. What an inspiration to the world.

  • Eugenia

    Ricochet, I am at a crossroad in my life & you inspired me this morning. Your Loving Kindness came right through the Internet into my mind's heart. Thank you, Ricochet, you reminded me of who I am. You are Joy. You are Hope. You are Light. Ohm Shanti, & Great Happiness to you, Good Ricochet

  • Ricochet

    Hi, I'm Ricochet. Join me on my facebook page! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Surf-Dog-Ricochet/178108649370?ref=ts

  • Chuck

    If you love people, love animals, love life. Well this is wonderful.

  • CAthy

    Absolutely outstanding! Perhaps this is what true committment and love is all about!

  • marion kay evangelist

    makes me so proud to be an American!! We certainly are proud!

  • madhu

    It's truly amazing and great.Kudos...

  • Page 1

  • Ricochet has her own Instagram and Facebook page! Read more about the story of Ricochet's life, her current activities, and how you can help her help others!
  • Learn about Puppy Prodigies, the unique non-profit that gave Ricochet the training to be the best dog she can be!
  • EVERYONE has a special gift to give to the world. Do you know what your own special gifts are? How can you help someone else apply their unique talents to realize their fullest potential?

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