This 2010 remake of the 1975 classic R&B song has a message which is every bit as relevant today. As the song says, "The world has changed so very much from what it used to be...The world won't get no better. We gotta change it. Just you and me."

So let's wake up together and work to be the change we wish to see in the world. It's never too late.


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  • Marie Ireland

    I was in tears as I watched this video. I am particularly touched by the line that says, "Wake up all you doctors...make the old people well...they're the ones who suffer and catch all the hell." I am peacefully coexisting with stage 4 breast cancer and it is vital for me and others living with chronic diseases, that the conventional and naturopathic doctors end their war with each other and work towards a cure for cancer.

  • suzanne

    Everything...I think Obama should make it his theme song for the election, especially in trying to change the hearts and minds of the small hearted and small minded...

  • mohan

    this one is for you

  • Tlea

    I am grateful to share this powerful music with my students, as the young are so easily committed to kindness.

  • Page 1

  • Make a resolution to renew your commitment to service and helping others this new year! We've got some great ideas to help you plan out your whole year.

  • Sing the lyrics to this song as you are busy working hard in service to a brighter future for the world. :)

  • One action by one person can create big change. Pick just one issue/problem that you want to change. Then just pick one action you can take to create positive change and go do it!

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