"In my opinion, kindness is a language, style, an art, an action..." Watch this short, sweet, earnest video produced by two 14-year-olds as a parting gift after a summer internship neither will ever forget; a summer that instilled kindness as a way of living.


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  • nikita

    Everything about this video is inspiring ... including your choice of music ... great job guys ... keep it up ...from the children's NGO Random Acts of Good Deeds

  • Stanley Benjamin

    Loving Kindness has always been with me ever since I was born, and it will be always be with me until my last breath. There is so much joy living with loving kindness. Ak Rak Hung Ak Met Tar.

  • Page 1

  •  Read about Neil and Dillan's "kindness" internship at CharityFocus and the lessons they taught their mentors.
  •  Watch "Be Selfish, Be Generous" - a film about generosity (that was in itself, a gift) that served as the inspiration for this one.
  •  What does kindness mean to you?  How do you incorporate it in your life? Share your kindness stories here.

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