In Rajasthan, India, an extraordinary school teaches rural women and men -- many of them illiterate -- to become solar engineers, artisans, dentists and doctors in their own villages. It's called the Barefoot College, and its founder, Bunker Roy, explains the values behind its success. Trust the people, he says, and they'll create the solutions themselves.


 Your Name: Email:

    It is always the nature who teaches more close you are with nature more you learn. Very innovative attempt more of learning human values.

  • Anand

    What a way to inspire and change so many lives. Great inspiration, Herculean efforts seemingly with so much ease. God bless.

  • julia

    Thanking you for your enlightenment and reflection. Not living in my cross roots country, I always question myself why am I living here? Leaving all behind seeking I know not what. Then watching this video seeing how a man has done all this. All the roots he has sprouted in the places he has been,some unknowingly and others has received acclamation. I thank you Roy Bunker for sharing. Me, looking back I am of grateful for all the opportunities which I have had in sprouting little roots a little helping hand here and there. Connection we make along our way and making life easier for each other. Blessing be bestowed on you for the confidence you instill in all around you. I have been uplifted and awakened.

  • Rupert

    I was very moved by this video, it brought tears to my eyes :) I loveed the humility and sincerity of Bunker Roy and the simplicity of his idea :) His love of the human spirit ahd his belief in humans and their capacity to achieve. Lovely to see how he helped the various ladies to become valued within their communities and to be skilled and to help their communities in the process. May God bless you Bunker Roy in all your endeavours :)

  • Nandan

    Very impressed by the work at Barefoot College. We are into a somewhat similar projects, 5 schools are being set up in India. These projects are under the “Schools in the Cloud” network ( Three sites in West Bengal: Korakati in the Sunderbans area, Keyageria village in Chandrokona, W. Midnapore nd Gocharan, South 24 Parganas and 2 sites at Phaltan about 100 kms from Pune and at Kalkaji in New Delhi. Of these 5 sites Keyageria, Korakati and Kalkaji are operational and the others in final construction phase. These ‘Schools’ are set up by using local material and labour as far as applicable. For example, the main challenge at Korakati which is a remote village with no motor able road for last 24 kms. was the lack of electricity connection and internet facility. Here we have used solar power to run the computers, lighting and air conditioning and setting up wi-max for internet connectivity. It is a thrilling and rewarding experience to see how the children of the villages, school dropouts, underprivileged and children from formal schools in these villages develop their English language and communication skills, become internet savvy, gain overall confidence and become self-driven; less inhibited and more forthcoming. It is so rewarding to give back to society.

  • sonu


  • bharati

    In villages people may not be having degrees but great understanding,practical solutions,values.give them leadership & taining in their way they will show you what they can Gujrati "bhantar nathi pan gantar chhe."This is what Gandhiji dreamt about a village.Very happy & thrilled to see this video.

  • Beverley

    I live in San Francisco and I would like to attend Barefoot college then try to start one here in the USA for the poor .

  • Rohinton

    Moved, real "Bharat Ratna"

  • Clara

    My congratulations to all people guiding these brave women, who have left their families behind seeking a new life. I would like to know, what we have to do to get some of our people in this program. I live in Guatemala City but we have so many people in the rural area who could benefit from this. Thank you Mr. Bunker

  • Trupti Joisher

    What a nobel thoughts.. the great inventor he is. If i get a chance i would really like to meet them

  • Pratibha

    this is inspiring service and illustrates the intelligence of people though uneducated.

  • Gé Mol

    To continue our BenG projects ( ) in close cooperation with our India counterpart MERDS ( )

  • rameshbala

    In Rajasthan, India, an extraordinary school teaches rural women and men -- many of them illiterate -- to become solar engineers, artisans, dentists and doctors in their own villages. It's called the Barefoot College, and its founder, Bunker Roy, explains the values behind its success. Trust the people, he says, and they'll create the solutions themselves.

  • James

    I have watched this video before and am still impressed by the depth and simplicity of the work. It has inspired me to pass my skills on to others whenever and wherever I can. Living in Central America I can see the need for something like this there. Thank you Mr. Bunker.

  • Maheshwar

    Its Great and Outstanding. I want to meet you and Ur College. Would you please mail me Details.

  • prem angel

    would love to come visit your barefoot college, and learn and teach also. wow such wonderful work. i'm so touched and moved by your story, and pray we would have more like yourself. love and blessings......

  • Rehana Webster

    amazing what you have achieved Bunker. Brought so much dignity into the lives of the underprivileged, poor and marginalized people. Truly inspirational ..

  • Amrat

    Simplicity... Kindness.....Love & Taking Care For Others... Just Love It..... Love You All.....

  • Maya Vidhyadharan

    I am moved to grateful tears. My eyes are now opened.

  • nzragg

    In Rajasthan, India, an extraordinary school teaches rural women and men -- many of them illiterate -- to become solar engineers, artisans, dentists and doctors in their own villages. It's called the Barefoot College, and its founder, Bunker Roy, explains the values behind its success. Trust the people, he says, and they'll create the solutions themselves.

  • Deepak Sethi

    Truly Inspirational . "Be the change you wish to see in the world - Gandhi " . Thank you for sharing . It is all there within us to make it manifest externally and Gandhi showed us the way .

  • Roy Conyers

    The clear understanding of the power of self empowerment.


    Highly inspired. Shared with many others Congratulations

  • Paul Simoneau

    Would like to train american grandmothers in economically depressed areas. How do we do that?

  • Prem Kumar

    Very Inspiring.Would like to get involved.

  • Khurram Iqbal

    TThe video is very inspiring to satisfy my curiosity I will like to come to the bare foot college. Can you please guide me how I can come

  • Saima

    No words to explain.........Heartfelt thanks and restoration of faith to actually "BE A CHANGE " - Thank you so much Sir for your tireless journey.

  • June Thorn

    My daughter asked me to look at this video and I was moved and very humbled by all the achievements of these extraordinary people.



  • ArunChikkop

    The whole world around me said I have to leave my town and go work in a BIG City. I will show this video to all of them and say: MY CITY MY PRIDE...) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING KARMA TUBE...

  • Thierry

    'Impossible', that word came to my mind as I watched this and other related videos.Such a project comes to life in India that would seem impossible anywhere else in the world. Impossible: to build a college campus with the help of a few village massons; to teach sophisticated skills using non-verbal language to illiterate grand-mothers who become active agents of rural development. This is how rich the Indian and Ghandian heritage are. This is where the true power of Mother India is demonstrated.

  • Ruban

    i have learned how to achieve glory. Glory doesn't comes instantly its a process of perseverance, confidence and determination. Thanks a bunch!! Sir Bunker Roy you have opened up my mind.

  • Amardeep Sangwan

    What a man!What a courage to follow his heart,follow his out of the box idea!His compassion and selfless actions to empower the common unassuming women makes him a real hero in my eyes.Great job done that too behind the scene.

  • DimandsR4Evr

    "You graduated from the most prestigious college in India and you want to dig wells for five years? What is wrong with you?!" His mother reflects the attitude of the scholars and the world, yet when Bunker saw the suffering of human beings he chose wisdom over academic education. He brings great light to this world... that will change the world forever.

  • Joanna

    What a good man!! His initiative to go on with what he believed, against his familys (mothers) wishes.. Yeah!!!

  • Shafina Segon

    everything! i have goosebums on my body!! So inspiring...and here we live in this world; thinking of only ourselves! hats off to this guy.....I wish I'd be able to make a difference to the world one day!!

  • bilkis yusuf

    we need more people like Bunker Roy to change this world for the better. even in our country pakistan there are people who have opened little schools in their garages and open areas to educate the street children and the poor, and they are making a difference, we need such ispirations in the developing countries to change the face of this world and make it a better place to live in.

  • R J Vasavada

    Faith in humanity and a resolve to make a difference and search for an opportunity to make change in society


    this is the kind of approach that would be appreciated by indegenious communties in australia and elsewhere.

  • Patricia

    Brilliant. The real change the world needs. Humbling, inspiring, true creativity which is true spiritual work. Thank you so much. A hero for our planet.

  • Katherine McLoughlin

    I was inspired by the absolute trust that is shown for the everyday knowledge people gather in communities over generations. Wealth does not create wisdom, poverty does not equal lack of intelligence. I live in a family of self taught learners, deep thinkers and highly creative persons, this video made me weep with joy.

  • Sabine

    I am deeply impressed and humbled by Bunker Roy, his courage, openness and wisdom. He was willing to think out of the box and see what came out of it. Magnificent! Thank you for this wonderful inspiration that lit my day.

  • Suzie Nunes

    The Empowerment of women, the empowerment of self ... We all hold the inner wisdom of self to find the solutions if given the opportunity and if willing to change. Thank you Barefoot College for the beacon of light to many around the world - Namaste



  • Jonathan

    Dear Bunker Roy, A stunning example of what is possible when we are able to ignore less of what is valuable in ourselves and therefore be able to see the true worth of others - The role reversal ...that the teacher becomes the pupil and the pupil a teacher offers a remarkable opportunity to enjoy the progress and inspiring performance of the different way of approaching the sharing of information of learning.....Many thanks for sharing such a beautiful piece of life experience. Listening to your story for me was and is a truly heartwarming experience Bye for now with love from Jonathan

  • Balasubramanian.P

    What a miracle. It is unbelievable movie. I am moved. would like to participate in the stream and contribute .

  • Raymond Sia

    Yes , Great idea for sharing his valuable expertise with the poorer level of the society . How i wis he is in my part of world . Thank You Bunker Roy .

  • Ashokumar

    Extraordinary out of the world making a mockery of education. Govt. Of india should fall on His feet Bunker roy great efforts. The world knows only knows the bad things. Such a noble work shall not be In bunker Mr.roy take ur vision across india. Bunker u r the hope of india

  • renuka

    I loved Bunker's opening comments and, its true, that no matter how high education one gets we still search for our roots.

  • Mariann

    I heard Bunker in Zurich when he presented his absolutely unique and inspiring education program at the occasion of a podium with the H.H. the Dalai Lama and scientists of the University of Zurich. It was the first time that I saw a person obtaining longer and even more enthusiastic standing ovations than His Holiness. May his activities and visions inspire people all over the world! Thank you Bunker for giving us such a positive experience and for generating new hopes for a better world. Mariann Fink, Zurich, Switzerland

  • Dawn Kimble

    This video and project brought tears to my eyes, and, at times, made me laugh. I think it was very empowering to watch people just learn what they need to learn without regard to certificates or degrees. The velue of the learning is in how well you can serve your people. It was also heartwarming to see resources put into grandmothers and women in these patriarchal societies.

  • Parvati

    Everything inspired me, especially the dedication to look into the hearts and minds of people who are otherwise ignored and disenfranchised. And the tenacity, courage and brilliance of these people, whose lives now teach us what is truly important in life. Bravo! Thank you.

  • Brian

    Thanks again you guys...What an inspiration. Interesting how the Grandmothers were the most trainable. Something in that...hmmm? take care...

  • Marylou Sanchez

    WOW! Fantastic! It gives a feeling of Hope and more! Thank you

  • sanjay kumar saxena

    each and everything.

  • lennor

    What a great happening to share with the world. It supports what I believe that change starts from the inside out and that especially barefoot people have the creativity and given hope will succeed. Bunker Roy of course was the catalyst.

  • Linda Nathanson

    The radical thinking of women and technology that is sustainable, the belief in people, the inspiring wisdom and open mindedness to create needed change like solar electricity for villages. I love this video.

  • Ellen Fish

    You can find more videos on the Barefoot College on YouTube: I like in particular the one on the Night Schools and the Rural Women Solar Engineers of Africa. Ellen Fish Friends of Tilonia,

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Barefoot College.
  • Volunteer with an orgnanization that helps orgs such as these - Engineers Without Borders is a great example.
  • Shift perception - if an illiterate woman can be a world-class solar engineer, what other things can a person accomplish?

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