A film by Michael Rossato-Bennett. More at AliveInsideMovie.com.

His name is Henry, and he lives in a nursing home. For years he slouched deep in his wheelchair, utterly unresponsive to caretakers and visiting family. Until one day he was given an ipod -- preloaded with popular tunes from his youth. What followed was a dramatic, exuberant transformation that has to be seen to be believed. "Alive Inside," a new documentary brings to viewers a study of the alchemy that music can work on seniors living with dementia and Alzheimers. In the film, a social worker and famed neurologist Oliver Sacks embark on an exploration that traverses the magic, mystery and healing potential of music.


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  • Karen

    This is amazing - so simple, so true, so beautiful. Thank you!!

  • Sue Roberts

    So much...i felt a rush of love for Henry and am so happy the people involved with his care, gave him some connection to his joy and life. Really, I am lost for words..he was "lost" and someone cared enough to find against all odds, a beautiful "road" back..thank you so much for sharing this beautiful event with me and others. x x x x

  • Barbara Shaw

    I have always loved listening to music and enjoy most genres so I can understand the joy it bought to Henry and the gift that music is to the world. I'd love to be able to help with enabling others to have the healing benefits of music.Thank you for sharing this with us.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about the work of Music & Memory, the nonprofit organization that brought light back into Henry's eyes. Check out their iPod donation program.
  • New studies have shown that not only does music help arouse dormant memories, but may help people with dementia learn new information.
  • Give the gift of music to those truly in need.

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