To the pulse of a drum circle rhythm track and backed by traditional gospel choir harmonies, Suzee Waters Benjamin (Suchi WB) extols the many dimensions of the universal instinct for freedom. Listen as she takes us on a musical journey of truth and healing.


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  • april a

    the editor of this video....that's what inspired me about this video

  • Christine

    The's about time we were all free of limitations that suppress the love, joy and free expression of self. We are all beautiful and amazing beings on this planet, let's share and be happy!

  • Susan

    "Freedom".... one of my favorite Suchi Waters Benjamin songs!!!

  • heather

    the music!

  • Page 1

  • Read the lyrics to "Freedom" and other songs on "The Water's Edge" album by Suchi WB.
  • Freedom can be tricky. What if our rights are in conflict? Philospher John Rawls called the first principle of justice the right to liberty "consistent with similar liberty for others." Consider this idea.
  • What social rule or paradigm is contraining your life today? Go ahead, defy orthodoxy and revel in that small new freedom.

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