"Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right" and 17-year old Kevin Curwick of Osseo High School, Minnesota, did just that when his classmates were being bullied on Twitter. He started a 'nice' page on the same social network site to compliment and lift the spirits of those who were being victimized. Little did Kevin know that this act of kindness would go viral and that taking the 'other' angle would help make so many people feel better. His actions have spurred other 'nice' sites in high schools across the United States.


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  • Learn more about Kevin Curwick's ethos of spreading kindness and positiviy.      
  • Have you been a silent witness to bullying? Learn about how you can help curb this menace.
  • Create a page on a social networking site about a cause that you are passionate about. 

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