Gavin Wolfrank was a fighter from the time he was seven months old. Diagnosed with leukemia, he went into remission for three years, until his cancer returned. A lifetime of chemotherapy wasn't an option. Doctors told his parents that a bone marrow transplant was his only chance for survival. Three months later, and against the odds, a donor match was located halfway around the world. Gavin received a lifesaving transplant at the cancer facility City of Hope. He and his family were also given the rare opportunity to meet his donor face to face! Watch to find how one stranger's selfless act transformed many lives beyond Gavin's.


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  • Find out more about City of Hope, the cancer research facility in California that treated Gavin.
  • Consider becoming a donor to give the life-giving gift of your bone marrow to a person in need.
  • If you know someone in your life currently battling with health issues, contemplate a small act of service for that person, such as bringing a meal, or running an errand on his or her behalf.

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