A film by Nicole Newnham and Maren Grainger-Monsen..

Children can be powerful change agents. Undaunted, persistent, energetic, creative, and unafraid of adopting new technologies, they can sometimes succeed in tackling entrenched problems where adults have repeatedly failed. Amlan Ganguly understands this dynamic very well. Meet Shikha, Salim, and Priyanka, the bright-eyed kids Ganguly empowers to tackle serious, endemic health problems in their Kolkata slum. "We call ourselves 'The Dakabuko', which means 'the courage of a daredevil'," says Salim, "because to work here, you need courage." The team is more than intrepid; it radiates hopefulness.


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  • Ruth

    Those children were so inspiring, and certainly courageous. Bless them

  • shashi

    A setp taken by an intelligent guide willingness to bring a much required change and working towards the goal with determination.

  • Kati

    That's what I want to be when I grow up. These kids are just great and great role models for us grownups.

  • Mariah Martin

    The willingness of the children to try new ways with the phones and maps and keep at it until their community is served is truly inspirational! This is love in action.

  • Nancy Di Giorgio

    These children have found their worth. In the so doing they were able to bring this message to adults....have you yet? They are involved in future think. They are awakening others (adults whose worth was stolen, who have not understood the basics of safety and security that the 1st chakra is about.....I feel blessed to have witnessed this. The Times they are A Changin'. Thank you All for finding your worth.

  • Ruth Mentley

    The enthusiasm of the children kept them working toward a very worthwhile project. As we become older and more cynical, this kind of hope inspires us and moves us to look at how we can help with other community movements.

  • Bk Asha

    What inspired you about this video?the children of today are far more courageous than mine. They are going to be first class world benefactors. Congratulations my daredevils. Om shanti

  • Brian

    Revolutionary optimists! The kids will change the world...Change agents indeed!...and to the comment below, lets hope some good hearts are overseeing the quality of the vaccines? Yes, there is a terrible profit motive in all the "synthetics" being manufatured and sold as treatment, and this is a topic that will hopefully surface to mainstream consciousness in time...the power of internet information...great to see folks gathering towards hope!...Peace...

  • K7aloha

    Actually I'm saddened. While it is fabulous to see the youth empowered and I'm all for it... who is teaching them the Truth about vaccines? Do they know that they are deadly? The amount of chemical byproducts and literal toxic waste that is intentionally put into the vaccines of today cause way more harm than good. What is in the vaccines they are being told to push? Mercury... lead... arsenic? Nano technology? It's deeply unfortunate that the ruling elite have such an evil agenda but we must face the reality of 2013 not the one of the early 20th century. Do your homework people and stop using the children to promote lies.

  • tanja

    the simplicity of the idea, and the complexity of the implementation of the task, and how the children wisely simply got on with it inspired me. also, how we take mapping and reasonable stats so for granted here in london, but I have never thought about how life changing it could be to simply feel counted (rather than the cynical view I more easily adopt here - feeling under surveillance).

  • Terry Mock

    More revolutionary optimists... Students of Pacific High School in Port Orford planted a genetic clone of a 3,000-year-old redwood tree in honor of Earth Day — April 22 — celebrations being celebrated throughout the world. That sapling was one of dozens planted throughout the world — Germany, Ireland, Wales, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, and in California and Oregon — to ensure their chance of long-term survival in the face of climate change. About 100 high school and junior high school students gathered on the front lawn of Pacific High School to place the 3-foot-tall sapling in the ground. It will stay there for several years before it is transplanted into a logged area behind the school. Video - https://vimeo.com/65431740

  • kris

    Kids taking on what adults should have done years/centuries ago! Gob-smacking wondrous! thank you!

  • Page 1

  • This video is a preview of the feature-length documentary. Learn more about the full film and see if there is a screening in your area.
  • Find-out about "Map Your World", cartography technology developed by BAVC and inspired by the early efforts of The Daredevils to document their slum neighborhood.
  • The Daredevils' magic is in their can-do attitude. Identify a problem that you have given-up on and resolve to bring fresh, new energy to solving it.

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