Motherhood. It’s a connection one mother immediately shares with another, regardless of age, race, or language. ONE is an organization that works primarily in African countries, such as Ethiopia, to fight extreme poverty and preventable diseases, such as HIV and AIDS. ONEMoms are a group of American and British mothers that aim to empower Ethiopian women. Together, they fight for access to health care, stable infostructures, and education for children. Their shared experiences and common goals forges a bond that globally connects mothers to assist one another, and bring about positive change for future generations.


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  • Patjos

    This has inspired me to share a prayer that I recently found. It is for all women everywhere. Please share it with your women friends. Peace be to you :) Dear woman, loved by God, Be still for a while and praise God for His love and His grandness. For God, everything is possible and He is always near you. He loves you without limits or conditions. Dear God, this is my friend whom I love and for whom I want to pray today. Help her to be able to fully live and enjoy her life. Please support her and let her surpass her expectations. Help her to be light in the darkest places, where it is hard to love. Protect her at all times, raise her when she is needing it most. And let her know that when she goes with You, she is always loved and protected. Amen!

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  • Visit ONE and learn about their fight against poverty.
  • See how organization such as CARE work to assist indigent women and children in Ethiopia.
  • Help women in African countries by buying fair trade products at your local store. It creates a system of sustainability, and maintains jobs for them.

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