How much is a simple bicycle worth? For an underprivileged individual in a developing country, it can act as a lifeline. Ebony Butler, founder of Bikes 4 Life, realized the importance of bicycles, and their urgency for communities in countries like Uganda. A bicycle can assist a person to attend work, school, or gather food and water. Collecting over 700 bikes, the organization aims to empower the lives of its recipients by providing them with the means of mobility. Living with rudimentary infrastructures and primitive roads, citizens can use bikes to give them the freedom to pursue employment, education, and access to medical care.


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  • Learn more about Bikes4 Life on their official website.
  • See how Bikes Without Borders assists underprivileged  citizens as a means of development.
  • If you have a vehicle, assist a friend or neighbor by driving him or her to the grocery store, an appointment, or to run errands.

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