Pico Iyer has spent his life in motion, traversing the globe and moving fluidly in-and-out of cultures. Who better, then, to examine the meaning and importance of "home" in a world that is ever more mobile and multicultural? In this TED Talk, Mr. Iyer argues that the stillness of rootedness is increasingly important in this "age of movement," even if the place with which we most strongly identify does not signify "where we come from" in conventional ways. "Home," he says, "is not the place where you sleep; it is the place where you stand."


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  • Sel

    I love how a certain breed of TED talkers have not got any kind of empathy with how the majority of the world are destined to lead their lives, struggling every day to make the moeny to be able to pay to exist. An interesting point about the Diasporic human population now being the fifth largest population in the world though. They're gonna need a flag and a central bank....

  • Page 1

  • Read an interview with Pico Iyer in which he dissects why we travel and how we define where we feel at home.
  • Discover an organization that is empowering travelers to change the world in which they move, addressing environmental and human rights issues.
  • Where are you rooted?  How do you define "that place where you come from"?  Ponder the questions raised by Pico Iyer in the context of your own life.

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