A film by Tragedy and Hope.

“We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.” ~Carl Sagan You are a complicated human being living inside your skin, or you are the big bang - the original force of the universe. The source of all light is in your eyes - your eyes evoke light out of the universe; your eardrums evoke noise out of the air; your soft skin evokes hardness out of wood... How do YOU define yourself?


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  • jill

    Everything about the construction of the video and alan watt's voice inspires the heartfelt sensing of what we are. The sense of amazement for what we are creating/being. And the amazement that we so often don't feel amazed.

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  • Learn more about the life and works of Alan Watts.
  • Find out more about Isaac Blencowe, the 21-year old Australian student who started the Tragedy and Hope YouTube channel to help people see the world through fresh eyes.
  • Tell someone that they are the brilliant light of the cosmos!

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