"To love at all is to be vulnerable," cautioned C.S. Lewis in his treatise, "The Four Loves." But to lock one's heart safely away poses a still greater risk: "It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable." As sweetly illustrated in this short clip from zenpencils.com, there may be a degree of peril in opening oneself to the possibility of heartbreak, but the risks of loving are well worth the rewards.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Steve

    Nice video - But what is love? Find out atwww.loveisnotallyouneed.com Karl below says he is going through a divorce because the relationship is toxic. Toxic because Karl and his wife need to learn new and better communication skills. It really is that simple! It takes a lot of work and new skills, but the tools are pretty simple.

  • Steve

    Nice video - But what is love? Find out atwww.loveisnotallyouneed.com. Karl below says he is going through a divorce because the relationship is toxic. Toxic because Karl and his wife need to learn new and better communication skills. It really is that simple! It takes a lot of work and new skills, but the tools are pretty simple.

  • Mike

    i needed that!

  • s.dinni

    Please send me Email copy as i am not able to see video. Thanks.

  • Joanne

    Nothing. It dumbs down and mocks a pain that's very complex.

  • Coralie

    This is so true! It makes me think of what Brene Brown says in her books and TED talks. "There’s nothing more daring than showing up, putting ourselves out there and letting ourselves be seen." "Through my research, I found that vulnerability is the glue that holds relationships together. It's the magic sauce." "Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy —the experiences that make us the most vulnerable."

  • Karl

    I am currently in the process of a divorce that I don't want. My wife feels our marriage is, to use her words, "toxic". She has told me that she still loves me but feels that we are just too different to be together. My heart is broken and I am sure that hers is hurting too. Is there a band aid big enough for that? When you love another human being as much as I love my wife, the loss of that person goes way beyond being vulnerable. It reaches a level where only God knows the pain, agony, and torment that that heart is enduring. I have contemplated locking my heart up for the rest of my life once I am past this tragedy in my life. They say it is better to have loved and lost, than to not have loved at all. I am not so sure about that. Is it better to die alone and loveless, or to wish you would die everyday until you die because you cannot bear the heart wrenching pain anymore. I am leaning toward the former.

  • Mark Carlson

    The hope it promises.

  • shoshana caplin

    it gives me tremendous support for the inner work i am doing, especially connected to my inner child. i was severely abused as a child, which caused an inability to love and this is changing now. Each close relationship gives my heart another knock but i continue healing it and this is making changes in those same relationships, that i would never have thought possible when i started on my path. it is lovely to have this echoed by C.S. Lewis' words

  • Phyllis Lutjeans

    The truth of it.

  • Suzanne

    Hearts break...wide open if you are one of the lucky ones! xo

  • Rob

    I have ended up in my share of situations where I thought I would never be able to love again. What has happened instead is that when I finally allow my heart to see the light of day again my capacity to love is increased. I feel learning to love in a healthy manner takes exercising of my the heart in ways that involve risk and reflection.

  • Fatemeh

    It's not possible for me to download the video :( I wonder if you e-mail me this video :) Thanks a lot!

  • Cheryl

    This feels like a perfect combination of wisdom and whimsy, thank you! One of the things that touched my heart is the way that some of the the balloon hearts are portrayed with scratches and bandaids, deflated and broken. It brings to mind that when we are out there, even when just with family, our hearts get roughed up. Maybe allowing our hearts to mend a bit, not locked away in a trunk, but given a chance to heal, even behind closed doors would be a good thing. I love the music, yes whimsy it great!

  • Glynis

    I adored this video...and it supports my belief...that loving is the most courageous thing anyone can do.

  • Annette

    It's the story of my life....over and over and over again. The only area where I take risks and gamble is in loving. It's worth all the heartaches and heartbreaks. Woody Allen said that 'the heart is a resilient little muscle.' It is. When I fall off the horse,I get back on it again with lessons learned and wisdom gained.

  • kate

    Wonderful and inspiring. thank you

  • Page 1

  • Read other quotable excerpts from C.S. Lewis's "The Four Loves."
  • The C.S. Lewis title refers to the ancient Greek taxonomy of love.  Learn more about the philosophy of love.
  • There are many people you love and appreciate; but maybe you have not been brave enough to express your affection or appreciation.  Go ahead: risk it!

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