A film by Mike Worsman. More at A Million Smiles.

Treat yourself with this endearing film. A collection of wisdom teachings that is bound to make you smile.This eight minute epic untangles a range of human behaviours which essentially impact on our happiness. The messages are communicated in a straightforward style that is easy to connect with. We also get a sense of the humility and humanity behind His Holiness the Dali Lama who sees himself simply as one of the 7 billion people on Earth.


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  • Karen Leffler


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  • Check out A Million Smiles, an organisation that has a vision for a world where adults smile as often as kids. Get involved and be a part of their feature film by uploading a shot of YOUR beautiful smile.
  • What does it mean to have an open heart?Read this article by Elizabeth Crisci who ponders this question and asks others for their own definition. What does an open heart look like to you? Share in the comments section.
  • Reflect & Change. Do you consider yourself as different or special? Does it create distrust, fear or competitiveness in your mind? What would our world look like if we all approached every interaction with a warm heart? What would your world look like?

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