Enjoy this short video illustrating how a little bit of generosity can bring a whole lot of humanity to life. Watch what happens when a small group of people decides to film their experience of first, standing outside the premier of "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" and collecting donations to actually combat hunger... then get the warm fuzzies as you watch them bring joy to random people all day long with the generosity of everyday people.


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  • There IS enough food today for everyone to have the nourishment needed for a healthy and productive life. The problem is access. Learn more, test your Hunger IQ, and feed a child here.
  • There are 842 million undernourished people in the world today. That means one in eight people do not get enough food to be healthy and lead an active life. Learn more at the World Food Program
  • Learn how to offset hunger in your own community - visit the local food bank to see what they need most, then organize a neighborhood "Food Drive." You are helping and raising awareness at the same time... Win! Win!

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