What goes around comes around...sometimes faster than we might expect! In this beguiling video two young men pose as homeless musicians on the street. While one plays a mournful melody on a violin, the other holds out a jar for spare change. The moment someone makes an offering however, the tune abruptly changes and the tables are delightfully turned. Watch and smile as a series of unsuspecting givers become the receivers. A beautiful reminder that all our acts of kindness, no matter how small, are always returned manifold.


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  • Alice P. Rascio

    It was funny, but also enlightening to the fact we NEED to be more generous to others during our life that the Lord gives us to live here on this planet.

  • Page 1

  • Watch Kindness Boomerang another short film that beautifully illustrates the circle of giving.
  • Arab-American poet Naomi Shihab Nye penned this beautiful poem about kindness in a time of distress.
  • The next time you find yourself witness to someone else's kindness, do something to appreciate them. Through a spontaneous gift, a few words or even just a heartfelt smile.

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