When a wall was raised to separate two groups of people, whole communities were uprooted. One village united in a march of peace; an act of non-violent resistance. Men and woman, Palestinians and Israelis, rival parties Hamas and Fatah, stood as one for the betterment of all. A unique story from a troubled corner of our world, this trailer for the film, Budrus, speaks of the power of hope and solidarity.


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  • Learn about other documentaries produced by the makers of this film, Control Room and Encounter Point.
  • Learn about  'World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel' 20-26 September 2015. The theme is "God Has Broken Down the Dividing Walls". Use the hash tag #WallWillFall to talk about this event.
  • Engage with someone who you consider to be from a different group in a meaningful way. Find a common ground that you share to remind you that we are all part of one big human family. 

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