Feeding, clothing and housing homeless individuals can be an easy accomplishment, but finding them a job is another matter. In Barcelona, Spain, the number of homeless people returning to the workplace is less than 1 percent. That’s where Lisa Grace stepped in. As the founder of Hidden City Tours, Grace decided to put business ingenuity into social outreach. Her company employs previously or currently homeless persons as Barcelona tour guides. Their familiarity with the streets, life experience, and empathy make them great candidates for navigating the city. In assisting to boost the local economy, their contribution makes their transition into mainstream society smoother, providing them with new job skills and confidence in helping tourists create memories.


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  • Learn more about Hidden City Tours.
  • Within Spain's homeless population, this "educated elite" is among the number.
  • The next time you travel, make an effort to learn about the local people to understand the true culture of the region.

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