The streets of San Francisco are what thousands of individuals call home. While organizations work diligently to provide daily meals for homeless people, there is less urgency to provide facilities to shower. Doniece Sandoval recognized the importance of the situation and created Lava Mae, a mobile bus that stores two showers and a toilet for public use. Lava Mae travels the city and provides approximately 300 to 500 showers a week. Maintaining clean hygiene goes a long way in helping to restore dignity, protect personal and public health, and allow individuals a chance to maintain an orderly image for personal or professional meetings. With the success of the first Lava Mae, Sandoval aims to produce more mobile buses to cruise the city and help individuals develop a “clean slate.”


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  • Learn more about Lava Mae.
  • It is estimated there are over 6,000 homeless adults in San Francisco.
  • “Every life deserves a certain amount of dignity, no matter how poor or damaged the shell that carries it.”― Rick Bragg

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