As a child, retired carpenter, Will of California, always wanted a toy train. But, he never got one. Now, he works eight to ten hours at a time to make wooden trains for the neighborhood kids, even those that have moved away. He's made and given away more than 1,000 trains, modeling kindness for the children who receive the trains. But who gets more joy out of this exchange? 


 Your Name: Email:
  • Brian

    Thanks Team. What a great story. When we have purpose, there can be ongoing joy. Will has found a treasure in life. The joy of serving. The Children understand his peace. 1Earth

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Beautiful generosity of heart, spirit and sharing passion!

  • Jeffrey Farrar Dean

    Nothing wrong in His Woods, it's Refreshing

  • g..l.

    What inspired you about this video? all children

  • Kati

    what a lovely story, what a lovely man! We need more little articles like this and not just at the holidays. Thank you!

  • Heng Sure

    Generosity touches the hearts of kids and adults. We know it when we feel it. The source of true, lasting happiness.

  • micki

    Love fills a void for all.

  • steve

    A beautiful story about a man who cares. Too Bad his wife passed away

  • Brian

    Heart and hands working as one!

  • Harish

    The pleasure of giving is greater than the pleasure of getting. A real Christmas gift. A real Santa Claus.

  • Beth

    What an amazing soul!! We all have SOMETHING to give. The goal in life is to find that and share. Thank you, Will!

  • Jack McKee

    I'm a woodworker and am a member of a woodworking group of 200 members. Its amazing to me how few of my fellow woodworkers are interested in either making things for kids or helping kids try woodworking. This video might be and inspiration they need to get started.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about how Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is spreading kindness in schools, communities, and homes.
  • KindSpring is a global movement of kindness. Find out how small acts of kindness are changing the world.
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