In 2016, a group of 26 students from Walt Whitman Middle School in Brooklyn, New York, set out to help protect our environment from plastic. They held debates, examined water samples, and interviewed community members and climate professionals. They learned from Park Ranger Dan Meharg that "anything that gets dropped in the streets (in Brooklyn or Queens) gets washed into pipes that go right to Jamaica Bay." The group visited Jamaica Bay, a 20 square mile wildlife refuge, to see for themselves the different types of plastic found on the beach. Birds often confuse litter with food and can get trapped in other plastic materials. Now Cafeteria Culture is helping the students make a documentary to share what they learned and to share their message for the the world. "Pick up litter. Save a critter."


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  • Cafeteria Culture empowers youth to "achieve zero waste schools and climate smart communities." Find out how you can bring their mission to a school in your area.
  • This film was sponsored by the EPA's Trash Free Waters program. See how you can help protect our oceans and waterways from pollution.
  • Pick up litter around your neighborhood. Then inspire others by sharing your efforts. Tag pictures with #SaveACritter and tweet @CafeteriaCu. Or follow Cafeteria Culture on facebook or Instagram at CafCu.

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