The Robin Hood Army wields a double edged sword fighting food wastage and hunger with one mighty strike. The initiative in Pakistan began in 2015 with volunteer Robin Hoods filling 100 empty tummies in a week. One year later, the army has mobilised and they plan on reaching 500,000 individuals across seven different countries. This is a simple and truly inspiring concept that is confronting two major global issues. May they march on and conquer the world.


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  • Mansukh


  • Matthew

    I'm so glad that you manage to find heart health solutions like this. I see a lot more in the years ahead!

  • Maria

    It is wonderful that someone took leadership and started this "army"

  • Annette Naish

    Human beings helping other human beings a concept that needs to be remembered by all.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Again what a small group with good intentions to alleviate waste and suffering and how it can grow is beautiful, here's to not giving up and to doing what we each are able. Hugs from my heart to yours!

  • Bonnie

    "the fact the movement spread as it did"....

  • Sahara

    Such a good movement...... Heartwarming

  • Page 1

  • Gain a deeper sense of the problems and learn more about RHA through their website. Be the change and volunteer your time or business to fight hunger and food wastage in your own community. 
  • Watch the documentary 'The Starfish Throwers,' featuring three compassionate individuals (a 5 star chef, a 12 year old girl & a retired school teacher) who live to fight hunger in their community.
  • Be the Change and fight food wastage in your home by following these hot tips from THINK.EAT.SAVE.

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