Being awestruck is the spark that lights the fire of discovery and learning; that moves us forward to seeing things we never saw before and thus being awed all over again. Be blown away by this video where Jason Silva illustrates this never-ending story of our biology as humans and our participation in the unfolding of the universe.


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  • Dane Johnson

    And that's just the physical universe. Our Nature is infinite. Om Shakti Ram Rama Shiva Om

  • Krista Cutter

    He loquaciously oozes my very sentiments at first seeing the Hubble Deep Field images. He literally said what is on my mind. Awe transforms from within. Your every neuron tastes it and is renewed. It has been my experience.

  • Anita r Goldstein

    annoying that he can't be heard over the music

  • Mary Elizabeth McLaughlin

    Can we caption this for you? We'll send you the VTT file so you can upload it. This needs to be accessible to EVERYONE!

  • Goldea See

    Oh My Goddess!!!! Thank You...Awe as Beneficial...this little video...Truth and Beauty, Ill learn to send things and send it to All that I Know. Goldea

  • Rosalind

    The brain and stem looking so much like a deadly nightshade plant....... x

  • Beverly

    The idea of being awestruck

  • susan

    falta la opcion subtitulos

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about the biological purpose of consciousness and awe from Nicholas Humphrey.
  • Start your own cycle of awe and discovery with images from the Hubble Telescope.
  • Keep the never-ending cycle of life, love and discovery going. Share something that left you awestruck; a piece of poetry, a work of art, a spiderweb, with someone today.

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