Andrew Martin worked in finance but realized he was waking up to a void every morning until he began farming in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. While managing funds for millionaires, he had to ask himself, how much does money really help in creating a happy life if a person is trapped by material wealth? Martin walked away from that life to create the change he needed. He now wakes up with a feeling of connection and satisfaction with his life. With his wife, he created a 5 acre permaculture farm that sustains his dream of being close to the land while living a life of meaningful relationships with nature and the people he loves.


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  • Grace

    Love the move to simplicity and doing what is in one's heart.

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  • Discover what choices you can make to change your life for the better as you read this article
  • Watch this nature video and see what beauty can do to inspire change in your life. 
  • What experiences and people do you love about life? Reflect on how you can change your life to experience more of these  so that joy can be part of your day. 

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