Civil rights activist and labor leader Cesar Estrada Chavez was responsible for many of the labor codes - the protections, benefits, and the right to organize - that workers benefit from today in the United States. He championed the use of nonviolent tactics in labor advocacy and in 1968, his nascent union, the United Farm Workers of America, led one of the most successful boycotts in U.S. history - the boycott of all California table grapes. However, he worked for more than higher wages, better hours and working conditions for laborers; he worked to improve the dilemmas faced by farm families outside the workplace. Today, the Cesar Chavez Foundation continues his work for better housing, healthcare and education for Latino families. This March 31, let us pay tribute to the life and legacy of Cesar Chavez, born on this day in 1927.


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  • Brian

    Thanks Team. Thank you Cesar Chavez and all People who have had the calling to express the People's hope through non-violence. In the Spirit of Gandhi and Dr. King. Peace on Earth....1

  • Marian Call

    This man endured great hardship and pain to gain rights for his people, but he did not give up. Thanks to him we have another example of what real leadership looks like.

  • Cindy

    Viva la causa! Though there is still work to be done, without him the struggle for fair wages and equal rights for farm workers would have died long ago. Thankyou, Cesar Chavez.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Cesar Chavez and the founding of United Farm Workers.
  • The Cesar Chavez Foundation continues to enrich and improve the lives of farm workers and Latino families by meeting their essential human, cultural, and community needs.
  • Oppose injustice by voting with your dollars. Support local, sustainable, fair trade and ethical producers.

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