There is concern that the British family farm is disappearing. Some reports show a loss of 8650 acres of farmland a year in the United Kingdom since 1989 and a possibility of 25% of family farms going bankrupt after Brexit. Remaining farm owners are being forced out by larger factory farms whose practices are more likely to cut corners, polluting the local environment and stripping the soil of nutrients. The Ecological Land Cooperative seeks to change this by helping people get started in "low impact, land based livelihoods."


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  • Sandip Sheta

    What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.

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  • Learn more about the Ecological Land Cooperative or follow them on Facebook or Twitter.
  • If you have land out in the country that is not being used consider donating it to the ELC or to a land trust in your area.
  • Try to get most of your food from Farmer's Markets or farm stands, eliminating middlemen and encouraging small landholders who are more likely to farm sustainably.

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