28 percent of children and 19 percent of adults in Atlanta are food insecure. Since 2009, Concrete Jungle has worked to provide food using Atlanta’s fruit trees. In order to keep up with the abundance of trees, the organization maps the location of the trees for public use. So far, they have mapped more than 4700 fruit trees across the city. The organization has picked and donated over 38,000 pounds of fresh produce to give away. One-third of those who rely on food pantries have diabetes, so the fresh fruit and vegetables that Concrete Jungle provides is helping to lower this number. Other urban foraging organizations have been set up in several cities, including Philadelphia and Seattle.


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  • Learn more about Concrete Jungle and how you can get involved.
  • Use Falling Fruit's map to find an urban foraging group near you.
  • If you have a garden, donate any excess to a local food pantry or families near you that you know are in need.

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