Change is difficult for everyone. We all have a comfort zone and venturing outside of it can be scary. Mary Poole, touched by a photo of a 3 year old boy who drowned when his family tried to flee persecution in Syria, decided it was time for her fellow citizens of Missoula, Montana to make a change, no matter how difficult. In 2017, due largely to her drive, the first refugees arrived in Montana since the 1980's. Now Missoula is home to over 120 refugees from Eritrea, Congo, Irag, and Syria.


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  • How well do you know your neighbors? Soft Landing Missoula has a United We Eat Supper Club. Start a group in your community for a tasty way to learn everyone's history, and share your own.
  • It used to be commonplace to bring a new neighbor a baked good. Now we rarely introduce ourselves. Go out of your way and welcome a newcomer to your block.
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