Michael Coleman, a Martinez, California native inspired by the writings of naturalist, author and early advocate of wilderness preservation John Muir, directed this short film. Many of its locations are authentic to Muir's life including his home in Martinez, California, northeast of Oakland, and Muir Woods National Monument just north of San Francisco, California. Muir fought to protect the wild places he loved, and his writings convinced the U.S. government to protect Yosemite, Sequoia, Grand Canyon and Mt. Rainier as national parks.


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  • Muir urged people to experience nature so they would be inspired to defend it and save it. Read some of his writings online at the John Muir Exhibit of the Sierra Club.
  • Support and defend our wild lands and wildlife for future generations: visit your national parks and support environmental organizations in any way you can.
  • Go out this week into some place of natural beauty and see if you agree with Muir that " Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike."

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