A film by Our Better World.

Social entrepreneur Alvin Yong dreams big, saying, “It takes the same amount of energy to dream small.” Over the past several years, he has truly lived out this motto. He has worked with schools in India to provide solar power and to help mentor children; started a rice farm in Thailand; and fundraised for Children's Garden Home, a residential school for slum children in Kenya. Instead of seeking to be an outsider coming in to help the local population, he works with them to be co-catalysts for change. Yong believes in the power of young people to transform their communities for the better, and continues to support education programs in the hopes that some of the youth will become role models for others to follow.


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  • Page 1

  • Learn about Alvin Yong's Tigerland Rice Farm.
  • Read more about Children's Garden Home
  • "When you help, you see life as weak; when you fix, you see life as broken; and when you serve, you see life as whole." Rachel Raman. How can you serve?

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