For over a decade, the government of Cambodia has granted several private companies concessions to mine mangrove forests for sand. Each year, millions of metric tons of sand are shipped to Singapore to enlarge this island nation's land mass, while Cambodia destroys its only natural protection against erosion, rising sea levels, tsunamis, and hurricanes and lays waste to a vital and fragile ecosystem that thousands of families depend on for their livelihood. Yet the people of Koh Sralau are resilient, as long as the land remains.


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  • Lisa

    Could not watch entire video because I am deeply saddend by a world that puts money before people, wildlife and the land.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    so sad what greed does to so many parts of our planet. :( so grateful for all who protect the land

  • Karen Stuart

    I cried watching this video - Singapore chases the tourist dollar by dredging sand from Cambodia and building attractions - humans continue to do wrong thing by this planet and most of the time it's for commercial/monitory gain. What is the point of having lots of money if our earth is destroyed. Take and use what we NEED...nothing more!

  • suryanarayanan

    We are lacking a sense of balance in whatever we do- be it enlarging the landmass in Singapore or fishing crabs and mussels in Cambodia-which, in this particular case, can only be achieved by both the governments working together to achieve this balance, so critical for sustainable living. Hope saner counsel/better sense will prevail

  • Loriel Golden

    I am sorry to learn about the plight of the Cambodian people. However, they are killing the last crabs and mussels. In order for the Life Force on Earth to function, HUMANS MUST CHANGE OUR WAYS OF LIVING. WE NEED TO STOP KILLING THE LAST OF ALL SPECIES, AND WE MUST BECOME VEGETARIAN. Killing the last crabs and mussels will not feed children or anyone in the future. May we MAKE PEACE WITH EARTH now.

  • Lori

    ... its penetrating sweetness and loss existing together.

  • Page 1

  • Learn about the importance of mangroves and the other ecosystems that keep coastal zones healthy.
  • When you have watched this film, investigate the Global Oneness Project. See more of their films and think how you can contribute to their work.
  • What can you do to preserve some part of the natural world where you live?

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