At 85 years old, Oom Hollie embodies the spirit of Ubuntu, "I am who I am because of who we are." Known as The Iron Man because of the strength and resilience of his body, mind and spirit, he and his family suffered great loss many years ago. With the support of their community they were able to move forward and thrive. He is in love with the land and with growing food, not for profit but to share it with others. He lives gratefully each day motivated by an awareness that "one man's happiness is another's and one man's loss is another's."


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  • Spikkels

    Heuningvlei, Northern Cape, South Africa.

  • Audrey

    This was definitely a lovely picture of aging and spirit. Where does he live?

  • Tanya Curtis

    What an amazing man Oom Hollie is traditional farming the traditional way . There needs to be more people like this man . He is very wise & has a heart of gold. Communities need to help one another like the villagers in the community where Oom lived helped repair his home when their house was struck by lightning & then a fire 🔥. I'm glad Oom & his wife made it out alive . Thank you for sharing this .

  • Michael A Stilinovich

    It reminds me of time spent everywhere I go when I'm fully aware. From the great lakes regions of the U.S. to the plains of Kansas and all across our great land even within the slums of Los Angeles you will find a love between people of all ethnicity, religions and even ages who share a value and common love for each other. Only those who choose not to see it never will.


    Hard work, resilience, sense of Hope, sense of community, acceptance, cheerfulness, SENSE OFGRATITUDE.

  • Penny

    His love of sharing, love of the earth, acceptance and sense of humor.

  • Becky

    His humility and love of all.

  • sister maryagnes

    What an Amazing Grace he is!!!

  • Diane

    What a beautiful soul. He lives to give and feels joyful about his life.

  • Deborah

    Wisdom of the Heart and Soul - from a Life lived in Gratitude Generosity and Love

  • Elizabeth

    Everything! His selflessness!

  • Heather

    How thankful this man is for his blessings in life.

  • Raghu

    Don't dwell on sorrows of life, live a life of gratefulness, by giving and giving. Work and give till the end of life.

  • Cindy

    I am inspired by his gratitude - for all things beyond the material.

  • Page 1

  • Learn about the fundamentals of grateful living
  • Read about the spirit of Ubuntu which Oom so captivatingly embodies. 
  • Perform a selfless act today with no expectation of acknowledgement. How did it feel?

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