How do you bring kindness into the world when you see such big problems? This is the question that inspired two people with a simple idea to make a the world a better place and ended up creating a worldwide organization for peace. In 2006, Jill McManigal, a mother of two young children and Danielle Gram, a high school honors student met at a neighborhood party in Carlsbad, California, and Kids for Peace was born. During the pandemic, Kids For Peace brought children together at an elementary school in California and asked themselves how they could help kids stay connected during the period of social isolation. Rather than giving in to sadness and apathy, these children decided to reach out to others to make the world’s largest paperchain—a chain of kindness with sayings of hope, love and peace to inspire others all over the world. What began as a small effort by a few students quickly morphed into hundreds of schools making chains that became an 18-mile-long source of hope.


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  • Learn more about the Kids For Peace organization. 
  • Create your own project to promote kindness in the world by learning more about The Great Kindness Challenge. 
  • What is one way you can create peace in your own corner of the world? Try doing that one thing for today. 

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