What can you do when the wheels of justice don't turn fast enough? Or when they don't turn at all? Vivek Maru is working to transform the relationship between people and law, turning law from an abstraction or threat into something that everyone can understand, use and shape. Instead of relying solely on lawyers, Maru started a global network of community paralegals, or barefoot lawyers, who serve in their own communities and break the law down into simple terms to help people find solutions. Learn more about how this innovative approach to using the law is helping socially excluded people claim their rights. "A little bit of legal empowerment can go a long way," Maru says.


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  • Learn more about Namati, the foundation for legal empowerment founded by Vivek Maru. 
  • Read about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals for a just world and the actions you can take to support them.
  • Consider investigating a problem of social justice in your community that needs the power of the the people to solve it.

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