Meet JR, a French street artist with global ambitions. JR travels around the world with his 28mm wide-angle lens trying to capture the unguarded, funny, soulful, and above all, REAL faces of our fellow human beings. He blows up these images and pastes them on urban surfaces for all to see and consider. Images of Parisian thugs are pasted up in bourgeois neighborhoods; photos of Israelis and Palestinians are posted together on both sides of the walls that separate them. In his own words, he wants to "create projects so huge with the community that they are forced to ask themselves questions".


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  • M. Devlin

    JR's personal journey exemplifies the limitless value of individual expression that's then taken to a global level. Thank you for your unique contribution and invitation to participate that encompasses us all.

  • Ray Sterling

    I found Jr's presentation of art depicted upon the canvas of world enlightening.

  • Bernadette Smith

    I really liked this and I will often share Karmatubes with my students; unfortunately, language prevented me from doing it and it's a shame because this is so valuable for young people.

  • Page 1

  • Be an artist for positive social change! Take part in this global art project
  • Watch how street musicians from around the world are "Playing for Change" in their very own communities and cities. 
  • Consider how you can use your special talents to help bring about positive social change in your community. Take a tip from JR and collaborate with the people around you to create something that the whole community can take ownership of. 

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