Michel Jansen
I am that, I am. And then to know that we only see a fraction of the beauty of nature, pure energy.
It brought silence in my heart and tears in my eyes watching this amazing movie..so beautiful made for cherishing and loving and remembering.thank you!
I was inspired by peace. Thank you for making me think how beautiful it is to watch the rain coming down.
beauty like this is always there - from a flower to a rock to a scene that unfolds before our eyes we just have to be aware enough to 'see' it - recognize it and not try to assign any value other than the beauty that is there --
that was a very beautiful film . it is so amazing the world we live in . it is to bad what can happen to hurt our country we should be proud of what we have
everything is there, we just have to be awere of it that is how made it
natural beauty like this could NEVER have come from a 'big bang'. Only the Creator could design something as beautiful as this.
you should talk to nature,to understand yourself what you want,and how.
Thank you for sharing .
Shirley Marsh
Nature is our teacher, wish we were better students!
nice one...............
We often are surrounded by this kind of beauty. beauty is everywhere. Artist make us become aware of it, from time to time.Beauty feed my soul. I get the message : Pay attention ! Appreciate what is there, NOW! Thank you for showing instead of telling me. It works.
That's the kind of peace we all need...thanks guys...
Jeffrey Farrar Dean
Not all life is so deserving.
kya baat hai: )
rohit bhatia
really nostalgic
i like this video
the incredible Light at the heart of everything...
The flocks of flying birds! They are so synchronized and together.
The flock of birds where capitavating...I instantly thought of spirits floating around above us..and I wondered how all those bird know when to turn so swiftly together...and who is the alfa bird that decides there flight pattern. The serene peacefulness of God in Nature.
Kristin Pedemonti
Beautiful. I needed this inspiration today as I try to write the book on my volunteer project; feeling blocked. This helped. Thank you! We are all indeed interconnected.
veena arora
Its SoOoOOOO beautiful .....totly rhythmic rly thanxxx a ton...!!!
It brought me tranquility. Thank you.
That there are no filters of race, nationality, age, or creed on the list of people who see and respond to the natural world. I loved the swirling flock of birds.
Endless rhythms....fabulous direction for my contemplations today ..i thank you :)
Thank you Mother Earth for all your beauty. May we learn to be more conscious guardians.
I love this. It's so stunning and makes me want to spend more time in nature. I almost didn't want to hear the music, but rather the ambient sound of the particular location, even if it's just air and silence.
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