Kristin Pedemonti
awesome, wonderful step in the right direction, go KIDS, realize YOU have the Power to create Change and make an impact! and I agree, how about we also ask companies to create more biodegradable products.
I'm glad the kids care and were engaged. Wouldn't it be much better to ask the companies to create a product that was biodegradable and didn't use plastics. Or teach the kids to use a more environmentally friendly product? Or wean them off consumption as a model?
Thanks Guys! The power of the Children! Here goes he "We" generation!...1world. peace
Gabrielle Boulard
It ispires me that young people are caring enough to launch these campaigns-the same thing happened with Brita and their pitcher filters a few years ago. BTW, a company called Auspen.com makes nontoxic, refillable dry erase markers, and I wish papers markers could be made in the same way. Perhaps the next step in innovation, Riley?
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