Like many little girls, Jennifer Bricker wanted to be a gymnast, just like her idol, Olympic gold medalist Dominque Moceanu. But unlike other girls, Jennifer’s obstacle was much greater: she has no legs. Born in Romania, Jennifer was adopted by an American couple and grew up in a small town in Illinois. Her parents raised her like they raised her three older brothers — never say the word “can’t.” With that attitude, Jennifer excelled at tumbling, winning multiple awards and becoming the state champion. When Jennifer was sixteen, she became curious about her biological family and discovered a stunning connection to her childhood inspiration.


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    It made me feel like a mentally controlled airhead. I have 2 arms, 2 legs. I have a full body but my mind is just a problem I've got to overcome. I was born an Epileptic, but that was just a problem, for me. Was not a problem for Marco Polo. I was given a disabled human in all the areas of this world. My problem now is the result of all the meds I take.


    Never say you can't. If you decide you can!

  • vishnu

    Really i feel very confident that i can achieve my dreams...

  • Page 1

  • For more information, visit Jennifer's official website.
  • People with disabilities can still participate in many sports.
  • Instead of thinking you can't, consider a different way you can complete it.

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