A film by Liz Morrison Media.

He runs a convenience store in Levittown, New York. For the past 10 years, Avi Gandhi has owned and solely operated Center Land Stationery -- working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, without a single sick day. He is, however, much more than a guy who punches numbers into the cash register. "He knew the names of everyone who came in, who their family was, what their disappointments were, the dreams they had. He would frequently joke, offer sage advice, let people pay him back if they were hard up, listen intently, and make people feel like they mattered," says friend and customer, Celeste Hamilton Dennis. So when the local community learned that he was going to have to let go of his lease, they stepped up with a flash mob to show him how much they loved him. Take a look.


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  • Ashok

    Virtue is its own reward. Inherently human beings are very compassionate and caring. In small communities across America and around the world, people develop and maintain strong bonds of love and caring. Interactions are positively intense and lasting. Celeste's gesture and the whole community's joining in pleasant surprise is what motivates us all to be community centered, caring and giving all the time- being there for all are around us, touching hearts of everyone we meet or come across even for seconds on the road, tram, plane or community hall. Three cheers for Levittown.

  • Jacquie

    Very sweet and inspiring.

  • Uma

    Sheer love the people showed and the execution of it. We sometimes think of people and how we could help but how many of us execute it to really make that difference.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Here's to bringing community to community and offering LOVE to each other. This is what it's all about! What a lovely man. And how the community responds to love and to supporting each other. Just love how they all reached out to each other. Beautiful. It is the little guys that keep towns going, let us not forget that. Kindness begets kindness. <3

  • S V Ramakrishnan

    Moving, indeed. Love is a two-way. Hope Avi is able to get the lease again to serve the community only he knows how to do it. Great human being. A great loving community.


    every moment was full of love & compassion.

  • Brett

    Well deserved after 10 years, hope you can continue on for many more years but maybe take time for a holiday.

  • Susan Wight

    I am deeply inspired because I am in a similar situation due to a health challenge causing the loss of everything I had ever worked for. Now, (seven years later), even though I have never fully recovered, but there has been some recovery so that I am rebuilding my life from nothing. I have no idea how, but this video brought me to tears to see such true kindness and collaboration. I am inspired and my heart is warm.

  • jim warner

    i live in a town on the south coast of n s w australia called ulladulla this town is the same as youe town everyone helps everyone i have lived in ulladulla for 26 years and will not live any other place

  • Charlene Howell

    This is what the Koch brothers cannot touch...Real communities. I am from Levittown. My family had to move away when I was a child. This video reminds me of one of my favorite movies "Its a Wonderful Life" A common man overcomes all odds and struggles against the large interests to help others in his town and finds he is the biggest man in town. This was great to watch here. This is what we need family run businesses and small businesses, ma a pa shops. I will never shop at Walmart never have and never will. Support the small business person they are "who do all the living , working and dying in this town" quote from the movie I mentioned.

  • Rev. Maria Wilson

    This video emphasizes, in the most wonderful way, the truth that we are all one. We are indeed our brother's keeper. Gratitude is such a gift, and to share it with others is even more of a gift. All blessings to Avi and all the wonderful people of this town. They all have hearts filled with love for one another. If only all people would come together like this, to show others how they are valued, so they might keep their God-given dignity in tact. As St. Francis is quoted as saying, "It is in giving that we receive." May God shower all blessings up Avi, his wife, and family, and all who have so graciously shown their selfless love for them. May Love forever reign over all this earth! Rev. M.R. Wilson

  • Heather

    People have never forgotten the joy of connection-that's what keeps our hearts open and loving. Thank you and Bless all the residents of Levittown.

  • Diana

    I watched this with tears rolling down my cheeks. The world IS full of amazing people and we tend to forget that because the 'news' is all about wars and nobodies who are called 'stars'. People like Avi and the folks in his town are the real stars.

  • Portlin

    Utterly inspiring. Shows hom much good there is in the world if we only stop to see it.

  • Chet

    This is what Community is all about. Everything is connected. Thanks LEVITTOWN for bringing alive the simple message of COMMUNITY>

  • Sandy

    Very well deserved tribute. I am touched. Thank you Levittown community. Well wisher from San Jose, CA, USA

  • Lorraine Michael

    the love that keeps going round and round and round ... how eahc one of us matters and is connected to another. What a lovely community - Levittown!

  • Avi Beker

    We , Human be-ing making the wereld a better place by Be-ing human. Love is the energy that unite us by sharing it free....love & light to all. ♥

  • Iris Curteis

    The story. His Story. The stories people tell about him. The stories he knows about the people in his community. This is beautiful.

  • Roland

    this story was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. Namaste

  • Stacey

    What a wonderful video about how important love for one another is, it is the one thing we all need and give and receive as it is limitless. Thank you for this beautiful expression of love! Hope Avi does get his wish and his lease renewed at an affordable rate as the community needs his store.

  • Charlie

    A wonderful outpouring of caring and love. It is a connection that goes beyond language, culture and race and just connects humans.

  • Becky

    Isn't is amazing that one person can create so much love in so many other people?

  • Nancy Purcell

    What a wonderful showing of LOVE! I cried at the display and the humbleness of AVI. God bless him and the folks from Levittown who carried this love to the eeenth degree.

  • Shanti

    What a inspiring story. Love it x :)

  • Swapna

    This is the ultimate real life story. Thank you for showing me that love can always be made visible.

  • Kathy

    What struck me most about this story is Avi's complete surprise that such an expression of love could be offered to him. It broke my heart. Made me think about how most of us really don't know how to accept love. To serve and love his community has been his life. Thank you to the people of Levittown. I loved that his language actually has a term that means "my ultimate joy". Does anyone know what the term is exactly?

  • Sher

    Such dedication. I am sure he sometimes wondered if it was all worth it? Now he knows it is worth it when you show such care for everyone it will come back to you. I hope he can save his business. I hope his wife is well. I am now going through breast cancer care and I am sure she went through the same as I noticed the pressure bandage on her arm. May God bless them both and this town. I lived in a small town and saw many great businesses close. Such a loss.

  • Arusarang

    Love, care, concern and regards spilling out of the video.

  • Ann


  • Sam


  • Betty

    What an amazing story. I'm still crying. This is what love and community is about.

  • Swara

    So wonderful. I just know for sure there is so much we can do around us to honour and love people around us :-)

  • Ajita

    Made me cry ... Didn't have tissue in my hand but cleaning every drop of tear with my fingers. God give him healthy long life & god bless.

  • Trishna

    Definitely keep the tissues at hand, what a beautiful gesture from an entire community to honour someone who touched all of their lives through his caring presence. He's such a sweet man, this video makes me want to give him a big hug! :)

  • dotte

    What a terrific community of normal people just taking care of one of their own. LOved this. Shows what can happen when love and respect is shown. Thank you.

  • Brenda

    What a fabulous show of support and love for a great man in your community!

  • Page 1

  • Support Avi by visiting his website, following him on FaceBook, or his online blog -- all supported by volunteer fans.
  • BALLE convenes 40 thousand local business owners. Read more about 8 solutions that support the local movement.
  • Go out and buy local today. Find a store owner and learn his/her story and tell a friend!

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