Amazing Soul you are!!! You've given them a reason and saved lives. Bless You
I am so glad to see that these kids found their purpose and hopes for life. It's the greatest gift anyone could have. Thank you Teresa Goine!
my heart is deeply touched to see these "tough" kids smiling broadly, because Teresa saw them as God's kids who were in danger of being lost, and has given them practical down-to-earth hope. And LOVE. Knowing someone really cares enough to help and support is everything. I see from a couple of letters there are others who want to reach out too. Abundant good to you all!
Teresa, you saved some lives, hearts, souls. I'm grateful for you.
Rev. Joe
Teresa, this is the true meaning of Service. It is the highest form of Spirit on the planet. Bless you.
I helped compile and publish a book titled, Insights From Inside. It is a collection of letters from inmates written to young people about the bad decisions they made. Please check it out and give some thought to ways we can get it in the hands of more young people. Insights From Inside is a proactive tool for reaching out in this reactive world.www.insightsfrominside.com
thank you Teresa for sharing your love that will change our world
Cynthia Winton-Henry
Would love to be in contact. I have a studio in downtown Oakland. We have a practice called InterPlay that teaches improvisational story, movement, song and stillness.Body Wisdom tools. I'd love to connect up to hear more.
Wow, congratulations Teresa. You all have created something wonderful and given the kids something all humans need...purpose.
Teresa's willingness to shed the traditional, militaristic/punitive model for one that builds these young men and women up. Provide an opportunity for them to experience another way of life that is more intrinsically satisfying.
I'm inspired by the hope that each person conveys as they talk about their past and their present lives. The food looks really good.
Opportunity and self-respect - what wonderful, and powerful, ingredients in the 'food' offered at the Old Skool Cafe. Heartwarming stuff. Kudos to all involved.
Love this..we need more people like Teresa.
As a lost soul who found their way, I always see potential in everyone and every day. I am so inspired by this project - it lets me know that everything will be alright!
Every one has potential to live a human life. But every child needs someone to tell him/her, you are amazing, you have potential, you can do it. Just one such person in a child's life can make an amazing Impact not only on that individual but so many others who will touch that life.
Brilliant concept, absolutely beautiful open hearts all around. Kudos to ALL of you who are part of this.
Thanks always Guys. Here's to Old School and everyone involved present and future. Congratulations on making a commitment to live!!! 1 day at a time, attitude of gratitude...peace thru U! 1Peace
Desdra Dawning
What inspired me? Seeing those happy faces on young people who have slipped through the chasms of our culture. Seeing a totally creative and loving solution to their troubled lives. I hope this idea can be caught up and flourish in other cities across this country. Our youth deserve to have conscious loving adults who will mentor them into adulthood. This program promises to do just that! Bravo!
Joanne Atkinson
Awhhh where do I begin? This is a wonderful example of heart led project which has touched the hearts of all the young people involved and in doing so has given them back their dignity, self respect and passion for life. Truly inspiring. I live in Scotland, but do visit the USA sometimes. I will be sure to look you up and come visit your wonderful restaurant if I'm in the SF area. I LOVE that city. . Lots of love & luck to you all and thanks so much for making and sharing this video.
cathe martin
everything,each story was amazing and made me want to do more for kids.
Always makes me look at myself and ask, "What more can I be doing to help others"
...that taking positive actions can change negative situations.
I love the reclaimed energy these young people have! I found it powerful when the young lady said she "had an opportunity to feel useful".
pete rutherford
empowerment .. great program
It makes my heart sing to see the happiness of these young people when given a chance. Thank you to the compassionate ones!
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Janis Kobe