marcel desjardins
What inspired you about this video? Society is conditioned to worship some many types of famous people. This project has placed the focus back where the thankfulness belongs. The world is a better place knowing that you cared so much to put this on.
Sincere, Beautiful, Gratitude, Amazing, Kindness, Human, Love - all said in just 2 words "thank you."
Beautiful... just beautiful... :)
Those two words, "thank you," strongly impact another's life. Beautiful film.
What a wonderful project Kellie and family took on. Think what a delightful, wonderful and giving world this would be if we all practiced thanking people for making our life more beautiful in what ever way they share with us. To put the focus on others gives you a freedom you don't enjoy when you are self absorbed. A simply smile can convey a genuine thank you, it doesn't cost you a thing other than facial movement, and can buoy someone's spirit that may otherwise feel lost and alone. Give it a try, find something to be thankful for in every encounter you have, then voice or express it to the giver, you will be rich for it
To thank people who serve as this team does daily is remarkable. To honor the father of the child in this way is perfect, actually. This is a story that should continue to inspire. Thank you for this film.
Very inspiring! Awesome to see the time she spent on doing this. It reminds us how important it is to say thank you when we meet amazing people.
What a gift to feel and honor gratitude, both given and received! There is SO much good in doing this simple thing. As a caregiver, I love what I do. Little do I appreciate the difference I can bring to another life. It feels good to be thanked, and it feels extra good to pour my heart out in thanks for another. Blessings, healing, and radiance for both. Pass it on.
This video inspires me to thank people, for all the little and big helps I've received in this one and only life of mine. But I don't think of it. And then I don't do it. Time to stop that and get to thanking!
Amy R
Awesome. So moving 💗 I was a rape crisis volunteer during my 20s and the victims would thank me but I didn't really 'get it' until I had a friend died on a hiking trail in the Rocky Mountains and the crisis team came and I was on the other side. I believe in the kindness of strangers and the impact they have. Now I want to be that person more.
Having been a nurse for over 25 years I can truly appreciate Kellie's story. As I look back over my personal life I recognize what I call "Angels in My Life", those who were there at precisely the right time offering whatever was needed for me to make it through. Oftentimes there were Angels that had no idea what they represented to me but opened my mind and heart to love, compassion, patience and so much more. God bless Kelli for her time and effort to express her profound gratitude to those who made such an impact on her life.
What a beautiful story! I understand her need to express her gratitude. Our son was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma at 13, 10 years ago. He is now a 23 year old about to graduate from college - and is blessedly cancer-free! During those first several weeks of profound fear, grief and guilt so many miraculous events happened....appointments that weren't available suddenly opened up, we always seemed to have been placed in just the right place at just the right time. As soon as I could think straight I began a gratitude journal and included the names of all the people who went out of their way to help - in any way. After settling into the hospital/chemo routine, I began to write out thank you cards to the numerous people on my list - then hand delivered them. The looks on some of their faces were priceless!! I'm truly not sure what inspired me to do it - but the results were absolutely life changing!
It inspired me so much who made a difference in my life. My profound gratitude to all. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story.
Barbara Gross
What an amazing true story of a mother sharing gratitude to the many who may simply take what they do for others as a their normal procedure and responsibility. To gather them together in celebration of her son, Elli's 10 years of life, due to all their effort and care was awesome!!!!
Tears in my eyes! So beautiful! Kellie, you are a wise, wonderful woman and mother. Having worked as a medical social worker, I know how often one doesn't know what happens to patients after the crisis. You gave a great gift to these care providers. Blessings.
Paula Sossong
This mother's strength and incredible determination to make this " such important" event happen. Her amazing attitude to focus on the positive things in her life and to recognize those who so many years ago saved her son. She could have easily felt like it was too long ago or too much work, or even to traumatic for her to follow through with this but obviously none of those things stopped her. What an amazing honor and display of gratitude from this mother. This story brought tears to my eyes, but happy tears.
Nancy Di Giorgio
I was able to thank my doctors who saved my life when I had a near fatal car accident. The one doctor I regret not thanking other than the many times in my heart was Dr. Oliver Sachs of "Awakenings" Fame. He died 8/30/15. I healed so deeply from a severe brain injury with the Music Therapy I received. I wish I had written to say thank you to him for validating my inner knowing of using Music Therapy. I am rereading Musicphilia and just picked up "On the Move" the last book he wrote before he died at 80. I love this man so much. So I know in my heart he knows this and has received my profound gratitude. Gratitude transcends time.
Thank you,Kelli. Your story serves as a great reminder of the power of gratitude, no matter how big or small the expression. This tribute to your family and supporters will become legacy. I am confident your healing expanded as a result.
Monique Chabot
It inspired me to think about people who made a difference in my life and let them know. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story.
It reminds us to be grateful for what we have rather than unhappy about what we don't.
Kellie, thank you for showing us how to turn a horrible situation inside out. You are the silver lining in your own story. Blessings to you, your husband and Eli. All is well.
pat nield
All too often in the hustle and bustle of living we forget to show appreciation to those who have gone that extra effort to help another in any way. What a wonderful heartwarming example Susan. Im inspired to think of those who have supported me through some pretty dark times. Bless you and your family
I have struggled with affects of childhood abuse as a result I live with mental illness. I see how the support I have in my life today has helped me live a happier life. I feel I need to help stop the horrible stigma attached to mental health concerns that so many like me live with. I will stop today and say thank you to those who truly love me
Thank you for this gift of gratitude. The first thing that arose in me as I watched your heart warming story was the desire to express gratitude to the many people who have made a difference in my life. It's a 'pay-it-forward experience that you have inspired, which I will follow through on. Bless you Kellie for your generosity of heart. It is these acts of kindness that transforms our world for the better.
Thank you so much for sharing this video . It restores one's faith in Humanity . Blessings to Kelly and her family and to all those who helped her in her hour of need .
the whole idea is so touching.
It's so wonderful to be grateful for simply being alive! Thank you!
The impact a simple thank you has no matter the reason, watching the faces of the people who played a role in the healing of this family tragedy was immeasurable ... thanks when heartfelt is one of the best encouragements for people to keep doing what they do best...
Rachel Forsyth
Acknowledging the pain and the blessing.
shabbir bootwala
My son will graduate from San Jose State University in San Jose Ca., next week. I should write a thank you note to all the faculty and teachers.
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Amarlal Motwani