A film by Nic Askew. More at Soul Biographies.

What unfolds when you listen and see without the distortion of judgment? What diamonds are hidden an inch beyond one's judgment? Here, you see the first impressions of Juan Carlos Molina, Director of Rehabilitation in the Guatemalan Penitentiary System, of seemingly hardened incarcerated prisoners, faces tattooed with symbols and words, insignia of dangerous gang affiliations -- Juan Carlos feels fear, uncertainty. But when he peels back the layers of judgment, he discovers the human story each prisoner holds. This video and its reflections invite us to hold space for an opportunity that exists between any two souls to delve into clarity and understanding without judgment.


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  • Dr.Wan1* (Ph.d)

    What inspired me about this video? Juan Carlos Molina himself and his hindsight at looking beyond what is the surface and not be judgmental about others aa you do not want others 2b judgmental of you, as what one of my professor used to remind us and make us pledge not to forget that (we called him 'Cikgu' or teacher in English). His sincerity shines through and I feel like going to help him or asked him what can I do to help, and whereas can I do to help peeling away the layers of 'roughen' skins to recover the diamomd before too late so as one person commented: 1People, 1Earth=Peace.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Thank you, yes, you have to look inside the skin, see their heart <3 Thank you for sharing humanity. When we listen, really listen, we can see each other's hearts <3

  • ani

    What an inspiring man and video! Thank you.

  • Sidonie Grace

    Sharing your experience so sincerely is totally inspiring, Juan Carlos Molina! Thanks very much. Being genuinely understanding is a blessing for all of us, a great gift for those behind the bars... Awesome, heart-warming and simply admirable. Way to go.

  • Traci

    Such a beautiful gift on Christmas day. What about this video inspired me? Everything! Thank you.

  • Gail

    What inspired me is how he was aware of his fear and judgment so he could allow them to dissolve and see the real person before him. May we all do that!

  • KDantin

    Children do not judge others by anything other than actions. A dad that holds a child close and says "I love you" the Child says "I love you too." The child does not know that dad is also a prisoner; he is just dad! We can learn so much from them.

  • Becky

    Beautiful. What a wonderful example of love, kindness, compassion, and humanity. Videos like these are so useful for balancing out all the yuck in the world.

  • Diane Conti

    As a former (civilian) alternative religions chaplain I feel Molina. I think some of the most honest moments that I have ever experienced were behind bars and locked doors with inmates.

  • Deepak

    Thank you . A fine example of Humanness .

  • Diane

    This guy is INSPIRED by spiritual love for mankind and he is sure in the right job. We could all be less judgemental and Juan inspires me to do so.

  • Brian

    Thanks Team. As He said, our lives unfold as a result of process. Seeing the world through the eyes of love, and nurturing compassion is the truth. Honoring another's experience and existence is a gift, and a simple connection is a treasure. We are all Human Beings co-existing on this Planet of ours. 1People. 1Earth....peace

  • Leslie A. Tessman

    Juan Carlos is mesmerizing to listen to because he sounds so vulnerable. The prisoners are very lucky to have him as their director. I'm sure he will change lives. Makes me want to be more open and honest and less judgemental of others.

  • Patricia Marckwardt

    The openness and honesty he portrays--beautiful!

  • Karen Edwards

    What inspired you about this video? Nice, I could listen to your soul for a very long time. It is as you have spoken. I would hope that many will see this film and carry it's message in their hearts and minds. Very well done. Penetrating.

  • Diane

    Nic has such a beautiful soul. Just listening to him helps me understand those men and I feel their humanity through him.

  • Page 1

  • Watch more Soul Biographies - some of the films might just change the way you see yourself and others.
  • Learn how some institutions are using restorative justice rather than punishment to discipline with dignity.
  • Spend some time engaging with someone you wouldn't ordinarily interact with, perhaps getting to know someone who may not have the same privileges you do, with awareness of the barriers of judgment within.

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