According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Sustainable Materials Management (2013) fact sheet, North Americans throw away more than 10.5 million tons of clothing annually, 95 percent of which could have been reused or recycled. On Earth Day 2016, Savers, a global thrift retailer, commissioned artists from Electric Coffin to use 3,000 pounds of discarded clothing to create a "clothing spill" installation on Alki Beach in Seattle, Washington, to get people to think twice about the environmental impact of what they wear. Join the #RethinkReuse campaign.


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  • Margee

    I am a recycled Artist/Designer, I have for over 14 years been creating remade products from recycled materials. The true visionaries or anyone who has worked in the Fashion Industry has a light bulb moment...where you start to connect to the waste factor, along with the pollution and the unsafe factory conditions and sweat shop abuse. I believe we can all learn to adopt more reverence for the planet with just a few simple changes. Recycle or give away unwanted clothing to safe houses, churches or empowering groups that are doing something brave and changing the landscape of mass consumerism. Buy less. Know where your garment is made. Remember buying from third world countries is continuing the cycle of unfit conditions for humans and their pollution. Learn about the companies that are changing the way they manufacture, use materials and learn about sustainability. We are all in this together. And together we change the way we consume. Be the change you wish to see.

  • Gayle

    I know that buying far more clothing than we need is very wasteful, but I was quite surprised to learn that many people just throw them away when they are through with them. Give them to some organization, Savers or another. Give them to homeless shelters, shelters for abused women and children, or one for people who are trying to reenter the job market. Let someone use them!

  • Ben

    700 gallons of water to make one new cotton T-shirt ? Blows my mind!


    interesting approach to recycling.

  • Linda

    How it made me think of all the people in third world countries who could use these clothes. I have a cousin in Cuba that collects pop tops and plastic bags and makes lovely purses to sell to tourists for money to buy food for her family and another that repurposes material scraps to weave them into shawls to sell as well. However, they are always in need of clothes as their salaries are minimal (My cousin that makes the purses is a professor at a university and the other that makes shawls is a pharmacist...just poorly paid!).

  • jane smiley

    Never had heard of Savers I've been buying recycled clothing for years AND people have no idea of the waste in the fashion industry even within the industry. EXUDATE

  • steve zimmett


  • Page 1

  • Find out more about the environmental impact of clothing and how you can Rethink and Reuse.
  • Washed Ashore is another project that teaches about waste and plastic pollution through art.
  • Join the KindSpring 21 Day Eco-Footprint Challenge this Earth Day, April 22, to kickstart a daily habit of rethinking, reusing and recycling.

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