Richard Mann
The memory of Michael Jackson, Eva Cassidy, IZ and a plethora of talents' lives on through children. I'm always saddened by the loss of our great superstars, they've paved a legacy of pragmatic-creative-salvation for the future. If anybody can resolve the problems of the world, it's our next generation. I play this appetite stimulating video before breakfast daily. Very excellent compilation, A+++ Thumbs up!
Elaine Brandt
Amazingly productive project! Kids have a lot of options via technology to express their talent and creativity and only need support like the "Heal the World" project. Great music. Now we need the support for young visual artists too.
Suzanne Brownstein
Everything....The talent of these children along with their passion....they can make the world a better place...
OMG, Couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I've known for over 20 years that the healing to our planet will be come from the children. The evidence is everywhere. I am so in love with these wonderful spirits of love.
The enthusiasm and innocence and joy and optimism of these big darlings just goes straight inside of my being without any censorship. They are our hope for the future and they are wonderful.
Ruth Gent
Absolutely awesome - very inspiring and uplifting! The world is becoming an interconnected community with projects like this one! What may be possible in the future with world community projects like this?......World Peace that is what!!
Sarah Allen
So amazing! They all are so talented and bring such passion :) Your heart can't help but be filled with joy, hope and raw emotion after watching this.
Ralph LaForge
It gives me hope that the younger generations will see that war never gives us peace!
Sue Seguin
that little girl on the drums! I JUST said to my drummer son today who also sells them in a store how I WISHED some, any of his customers were female and SHE ROCKED IT! simply gorgeous - and I am SHARING! Gracias!!!!!!!
Elke Birkner
Chills and tears ...So beautiful!! This astounding interpretation of one of my favorite songs opens my heart to joy, hope, and love - even more!!! peace and blessings!
Carole Snape
Sweet innocence that hasn't been tarnished by corruption..<3
Devorah Louise
Just the fact that children have a better aspect of the most important things in life! This song gave me spiritual goosebumps! What others may describe as chills...lol We need to be like His children with an open heart and an open mind, and most receptive to the needs of others~
David Maynard
What inspired you about this video? It isn't often that I start having real tears joy and emotion! Thanks so much for bring it all together.
The future is uncertain but I am sure it will be a better place if all these children keep singing and playing their music!!
Mary Quigley
I am inspired by the talent and the hope that the children bring to the world.
Mark Morrison
What inspired me most about this video is the high level of talent displayed in the vocalists and musicians along with their powerful message. Very well done, and I would like to watch more child prodigy covers that carry inspirational messages like this one:)
Very moving and beautiful, thankyou so much
Thank you world for the next generation.
The innocence, the pureness, the power that children not only represent but are, singing a song of sharing and possibilities in these times, where we need and will heal the world. Such grace <3
The talent of all the children was phenomenal! The creative technological sewing together of all participants miles and miles always from each other was spectacular. And last but by no means least, the message of the song was profoundly moving and inspirational. Bravo to one and all. ps. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. Thank you for all you've done.
The future is in good hands...
I loved hearing Michael Jackson's song again - yes, lets "Heal the World" - and these precious children were all wonderful - amazing rendition - thank you all!
Robert Slaughter
I love this. It is so inspiring and the world needs this more than ever.
Wow, and More Wow! So beautiful!! Should be played around the world daily for adults to hear. With Love!
Thank you for this beautiful project and what a great perfomances !!
children are so wonderful. Loved the video!
The message that came from those children of all different nationalities is sincere & heartwarming. It is what the world needs now! Bravo!!
I like the venture. What makes me terribly uneasy is that MaatiBaani has released it as a "tribute" to Michael Jackson. I have no intention of judging Michael Jackson's behaviour. BUT why tie it to Michael Jackson? Until Michael Jackson's reputation is cleared, the effect you are achieving is to dirty something that is otherwise clean and beautiful.
Who better to deliver this message than children - pure innocence = honesty <3
All the people that had to work together to make it with a magnificent thought They have already made the world a better place
What beautiful children! they will make this world a better place
Thanks for bringing me such joy and hope. With kids like this, maybe we will be ok!
What a wonderful array of talent! Thank you, I will do my best to the best of my ability. It is a beautiful amazing world :)
Jo Maranius
That is a wonderful gift and makes hope...
Patty Berry
We are blessed to have these jewels sharing there rich Love.
The unassuming innocence of these children in sending forth this message is powerful - they are not doing it for personal gain, which is so often the motive behind "adult behaviors". Because of this I was able to acutally HEAR the message, as I was not distracted by ulterior motives - thanks to all for producing this piece and sharing it with the world!
Simin Shams
loved it please do make more music like this.
Bhupendra Madhiwalla
Outstanding and so cute and innocent. Question is from where these talents come? Not all of these children's parents may be in music at all. This means it comes from Cosmos or we Indians believe it "Law of Karma". God bless all of them.
It brought tears to my eyes because of its wonderful message. However, not all of the children in the video were identified by name, was this a preference? Otherwise, I am happy sending this along.
william butler
Lovely spirit and talent in the service of a hopeful future. A bit sad and creepy, though, that a video of child musicians was released as a tribute to a probable pedophile...just saying.
These videos completely opened my heart, brought me to tears, inspired me and gave me hope for the future. Thank you for creating this for all of us. Love & Blessings upon all of you and our beautiful planet earth Gaia.
Fantastic video that brings hope on this terribly sad inauguration day in the United States. Thank you!
jUDITH Pipher
Those kids are so talented, and obviously have a world of support behind them! Wonderful job putting all of this together. Wonderful message!
Really touched by this song perform by amazing telented kids....Proud of u kids!
The talent and passion of these children make me fell hopeful for our future. Someone once said: " A world without music would be a mistake. " This video goes a long way in proving that.
As I heard that our president had been sworn in I heard this song. It helped me begin the healing.
Sarah s
Everything. These amazing, talented the children, the message behind the song, and the fact that I think Michael would be so proud!
Ruth Simone
I am touched and inspired to witness the everlasting human spirit in these international prodigies-especially on this US inaugural day. They truly honor the legacy of Michael Jackson. God Bless everyone who made this innovative video, and those who will be inspired by it, too!
What a wonderful video to watch, especially as American inaugurates a new president. What inspired me? The children's message, their talent, their beauty. Thank you, thank you. I've shared this from my home in Calgary, Canada. Bless all who created this!
Beautiful, talented children who give me hope and encourage me to "take a stand" on this sad day in American history. God bless all those who created this amazing video!
Great musical show of talent specially coming from the youth. Thanks for sharing
The message, and the wonderful innocence of the young performers! They truly believed what they were singing!
Hope matters. Thank you for creating such a beautiful reminder through our best hope-the world's children. 💕
Not just the amazing children and the beautiful message, but the amazing electronics in the hands of thoughtful, creative people who love children and know how to work with them.
So beautiful, I am tearful because we have so much to do to heal so many wounds, be the change!
Not only is it a wonderful tribute to Michael Jackson...its the PERFECT message full of HOPE for those of us with worried souls on our inauguration day.
Tony Pelusi
May this spirit inspire all of our actions. Thank you.
Beautiful message! Thank you for bringing these talented children together to remind us of what is truly important in this world. Heal the World!
leeann atherton
I will share this with the school kids I teach today, Inauguration Day, where the majority of students are very upset about our new President. I hope the song will empower them to understand that they can change the world and that they must respect one another and share ideas to grow.
Tim Murphey
Awesome education for the world!
I wish all people can take this pledge for our future generation especially here in South Africa
Inspiring, beautiful, & full of hope. Please caption so It is accessible to my deaf friends.
Hope is in our children! Compassion and healing. Thank you for your gifts!
Rose Evans
Totally inspiring! Thank you all for making this.
You are wonderful, beautiful and talented. Yes, we can make the world a better place! Thank you!
Thanks Team. Here's to the Children! Heal the world! Peace
Steve Zimmett
The world is a better place with children like this. I'll tweet this
Dear Children, keep shining your light so bright! Thank you.
Thanks for putting this together. We can make the world a better place! This is a good big of inspiration to keep on going.
We are a world that can be ONE. This musical presentation involving children from different nations is an example of what our world could be like. Let's do it.
Larry Russick
Children are beautiful and caring!
Margaret Taylor
Inspiring to see so many talented youngsters in the world! Also that Micheal Jackson's legacy can be changed to one of 'good will to all..' Margaret Taylor
Jon Madian
BEAUTIFUL Children, great message. Wonderful, thank you!!! grandpa jon, age 75
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