Essayist and poet Heather Lanier challenges our assumptions about what makes a life "good" or "bad." After her daughter was born with a rare genetic condition that results in developmental delays, she learned over time that she could see Fiona's differences as bad or she could let go of the idea that developmental disabilities are bad and could watch her daughter's life as it unfolded, with openness and curiosity, and see it for what it is: beautiful, complicated, joyful, hard, basically just another expression of human experience. As she says, "My kid is human. That's all. And that's a lot."


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  • Pat Cox

    I have two boys now adults who have mental and emotional issues. She has put into beautiful explanation what I have tried to relate to my family, neighbors and their school officials. Thank you Heather!

  • Len

    Inspired me to be more at ease with the choices my daughter makes to express her humanness particularly as she fights now for her health and survival.

  • Jyoti

    What inspired you about this video? Mothers total acceptance, unfailing love and faith in her child is great!

  • Page 1

  • Visit Heather's blog Star in Her Eye to learn more about her parenting journey.
  • Through this short video, get to know a child with a physical disability and her very special brother. 
  • Practice seeing every person you meet as human, free of labels that might carry a connotation of good or bad. 

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