All 500 students from Clarksville Elementary School in Indiana worked with their music teacher over the course of the pandemic school year to create this heartwarming music video to showcase their talents and to bring smiles to the world. The exuberance and enthusiasm of these young singers remind us that they are the world, they are the future, and we can all make a better day when we stand together as one.


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  • Carol

    Awesome job!! Love that the next generation is singing this powerful song! It definitely needs to be sung & heard again , a reminder that we are all connected as ONE!

  • Maryann

    This touched me so deeply. Thank you to this incredible music teacher and the beautiful children of Clarksville Elementary 🇺🇸👏🏻

  • Diane

    The kids did a great job with this song. It is a special song to me and I remember when it came out originally. Thanks for sharing with us……….GREAT JOB!

  • claudia

    I cant think of time I cried watching anything on my computer even with other beautiful inspiring songs, But this like other comments brought to intense tears of joy and hope. the tears just welled up and surprised me through the whole song! thre is a reality behind the singing and I am grateful

  • Bob Peterson

    I shed tears of gratitude for the beautiful children and their teachers who instill values of caring and love. Thank you.

  • Monika Koernig

    This brought tears to my eyes as it was beautiful and heartwarming. A big thank you to the teacher for creating and the children singing this message. With love and thanks and blessings to all of us.

  • Cathy David

    These children are so amazing and pf course the teacher too! They are so cooperative😍 that they were able to convey the message of the song!💞💕 God bless you guys👏👏👏

  • Beverly Schmid

    The confidence and passion radiating from the children and conductor... The variety of ethnicities represented... also, please add everything else already contributed. 🤗 "While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." Angela Schwindt

  • Barbara

    The beautiful children, their beautiful message, their teacher….💕 Thank you for all your efforts and inputs💕 So much gratitude for this great delivery and gratitude for all the positive things in our lives 💕 Let us work at improving ….. each and everyone of us “ one day at a time “ A truly inspiring message 💕💕💕 Let us love one another 💕💕💕

  • carmen

    The children were just wonderful and so sincere!

  • Audrey

    We must fight for social justice, vote, and support our children who remind us of the good in this world and we owe it to them to stand for them and their future.

  • Elaine Jurs

    The passion and the voices of the children and especially the passion of their music teacher! Outstanding!

  • Nancy

    Wonderful/Inspiring If only everyone could realize that we need to stand together as one! Thanks to all of you for sharing!

  • Katherine

    This warmed my heart and gives me hope! I loved each solo.

  • Elaine

    What inspired you about this video?The purity of these children’s voices. They are the world. It gives us hope for tomorrow.

  • Michael

    Feel hope that this generation can feel like that. Beautiful

  • akemi

    Thank you to all the children and teachers who created and shared this with others... it is sad that we all have to wear masks nowadays, but we can still do something beautiful like singing and telling others that we're together , you & me...

  • Bevin

    Wonderful that kids gt involved in what is important! Can you email me the words, please, so kids can follow better when watching the video? Bevin +64 21 528539 available on whats App

  • Veronica

    Blown away by the heart, beauty and talent of these kids. Heart exploding with gratitude and joy.

  • Sonrisa

    I loved their spirit. They were all in. Beautiful voices. Beautiful words. I hope they remember this when they grow older.

  • Susan Santiago

    The purity and truth of their beings and, thus, their voices that touched my heart and soul. Thank you, adroable ones.

  • Deanne Mineau

    The courage and beauty of ALL the children. The fact that the teacher was inclusive in bringing so many children out into the public, just like my cousin Annick Toupin, from Oka Québec, would do with her entire school populations. The song was powerful on so many levels.

  • Dea Shandera-Hunter

    I am so grateful for these kids and their amazing teacher. Thank you all for inspiring us, giving us hope and knowing that the world will be a better place because of all of you. Thank you. With all my love and a billion blessings!


    The diversity of these sweet kids and the way the singers put their hearts into their singing.

  • Joanna

    WOW Brought tears to my eyes! 💟 Fabulous arrangement and video 😌 Yes, children are the world and LOVE will make a better place 💟 Thank you 🙏 I plan to share on my FB page.

  • John Doherty

    Everything! What wonderful children offering hope and a brighter future for all mankind. Thanks for sharing John Doherty BC Canada

  • Lynn Ellison-Murphy

    What inspired you about this video? *WEEPING!

  • Lynn Ellison-Murphy

    What inspired you about this video? The children!!!!💜👍🌈💞😍🌟 I was sweeping the whole time!

  • Johanna

    Beautiful! The children and their teacher are such beautiful souls! I agree with Sundi and the truth shared below. It is a disgrace that the adults are restricting the airflow to our beautiful children. Breathing oxygen freely is a God given right of being born on our planet. We would never consider doing such a thing to the animals. Why the people?

  • selma lila

    So beautiful and so pure joy! Amazing teacher and wonderful work by all. Great reminder

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Tears. This song has always been such an anthem in my life. Hearing these children's heartfelt and beautiful voices, especially the words: "we're saving our own lives" may people in decision making positions please listen. The added rap, phenomenal! So many truly gifted singers! Thank you so much Clarksville Elementary! Love from my heart to yours!

  • Sue in Canada

    Thank you for brightening up my morning! Pure joy in those voices and hope for the future in their faces. Bravo!

  • blake jordan

    Beautiful. I have the original version on my playlists. Their voices and heartfelt efforts are priceless. Thank you for sharing with the world. Tearing up. 😍

  • Judy Youmans (Silvaggio)

    The message the children are sending to all of us so-called adults....Listen Up World!

  • Dianne

    the pureness of their voices, the message, the joy they obviously had for performing this piece, as timely as ever and moved me to tears....thank you

  • Myrtle

    And a little child shall lead them, if only we adults would listen. Absolutely Beautiful!

  • Raghu

    Inspiring. The world is beautiful. Children make us smile. This too will pass.

  • Mia

    The raw talent for one thing, but the timeliness of the song with what's going on today.. and the fact that they are singing about what they will inherit, so let's follow the words and do it!!

  • Sidney

    That was so touching. The children were so talented and really into iit. I hope things improve in our world for all children

  • Barbara Schwartzbach

    Absolutely beautiful and hopeful ❤️🙏❤️

  • Penny

    The energy, the enthusiasm, the diversity, the hope, the fun! Magnificent.

  • Diana Turner-Forte

    The beauty of so many diverse and talented youngsters was inspiring, uplifting and needs to be seen in Washington DC.

  • Sharon

    Would have been nice to credit the composer and arranger of the original song, Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie.

  • Margaret Thompson

    These children are the future. Let's leave it one piece for them. A 5 hanky video.

  • Roxanne Taylor

    This was just too BEAUTIFUL!!!! Brought me to tears!!!

  • Sundi

    Amazing voices. Amazing teacher, editor, song, video! As a kids music teacher myself, however, I'm saddened that kids were forced to wear masks while vocaluzing so deeply. Its incredibly harmful as we now know.

  • Barry

    Wow this was fantastic! I'm forwarding this to my Granddaughters.

  • Kimmi

    We need more of this please! Bless all students, teachers, staff and parents.

  • Suratvanti

    Soo beautiful ❤️

  • Cynthia

    The children! God bless every one of them. They made me smile, gasp, and cry. This is a beautiful video made beautiful because of the love and enthusiasm of the children. They are such an important part of our world, not just our future and we need to pay attention to their voices.

  • Nilesh Thali

    just tears.

  • Page 1

  • Learn how Music for World Harmony brings healing through music. 
  • Read more about how music has brought people together during the coronavirus pandemic. 
  • Watch this video with children in your life and sing along together, sharing the spirit of the children and their joyous music.

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